I need a lot of help!

I have hunted blacktails my whole life and decided to hunt melu deer this year. So I went scouting a week ago and spotted 7 5X5's. The area is about 3 hours from my house plus it is about a 10 mile hike from the trailhead to where the bucks are. So I can't just go check on them every week. I am trying to go about every other week or so. The thing is the season starts the 15th of September, so wil they still be in the same area or do they move a lot? Blacktails are usually within a mile radius all year. I don't know anything about mule deer so I am asking for some expert advice. Right now they are on the ridges about halfway up or so.

Will they climb to the top by hunting season?
Will they even be in the same area during hunting season?
Any advice would help thanks.
What state are you, a little more info on your area and I'm sure somone could offer some advice/help.

Generally speaking, Mule Deer are like other deer. They will usually stay in the same general area. They may wander a bit, and travel for water.

If it gets a lot hotter, they may move up the mountain. If not, I guessing they'll still be where you located them.
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I live in Washington. They are in some medows above the tree line around 5000-6000 feet. Another question is do the bucks usually stay together that long. Thanks
When is your hunt? I'm assuming it's a rifle tag. If so they velvet will be gone and likely they WILL NOT still be together. They do run together during the archery often.

I'm not saying there won't be bucks together, but your not likely in my opinion to run into that "whole" group during the hunt.

I don't know anything about Washington, but that is true for Mule Deer generally.
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The hunt starts the 15th of September. It is a high buck hunt in the Cascades for any weapon. It is all wilderness areas so it is a backpack or horseback hunt. I don't have horses so its backpacking for me. I guided sheep in Alaska before so the backpacking probably is not that much different. The season is 10 days so I should do OK. Just trying to get as much info about the deer as possible. Thanks for all the help.