I need dog first aid help!!
one hunting fool
11/4/08 8:51am
I got my dogs hunting vests this year and while hunting in them they rubbed the under part of there legs raw. (like the arm pit of a human area) I have put antibiotics on them but they are just not drying out enough to scab. I am afraid they could turn gangrene if not treated correctly. Has anyone encountered this and if so what did you do to treat it? And how do I stop this from happening again? I like the vest because it stopped my high speed dog from requiring stitches Saturday, when she ran full speed into an ankle high string of barb wire. Any help Please!!!
You'll probably have to buy the EMT Gel online and have it shipped overnight to you. It's worth the extra charge to get it quick. EMT Gel is magic. You should keep a few tubes on hand in your first aid kit.
Can the vest be trimmed in the armpit area? I've never had a vest that didn't need to be trimmed to fit right. Is it neoprene?
I have trimmed the vests to fit and thought they looked good but i can see from the soars it caused it needs more trimming. i was thinking of maybe next time i would put an old t shirt on unter the vest that way she would have a little pertection in the armpit area. yes they are neoprene? its the new Browning ones with the rough extra chest protection. i thought when i bought them. "man these are nice and strong" i trimmed and cut them put v necks in and then resewed them but that rough area acts like sand paper on the poor dogs.
Give that a shot and just wrap the areas that are getting chaffed.