I need to interview a professional guide or outfitter please

Again, for my "senior project"

I just need a question or two;

1. salary: not needed yours specifically, but whats a good numbered range that is average for the typical guide in the Western United States? and of course it varies on season/clientel booked/etc.. but I think their ought to be some amount i can say as a yearly wage for your average year with an average amount of hunters.

2. Work Schedule: I don't specifically need this but thought it would be a nice thing to add to my report - Now I can understand that it's a year round job with scouting and booking and what not, but what are the accual months that you are able to make money guiding hunts? (August - February? or even more than that? I know theres quite a few different kinds of tags running different times of the year but dont know the exact science behind it. I'm talkin if you did all the stuff too (Ya have your deer/elk/sheep/pronghorn/moose/mt. goat/etc.. then once this is all over run hounds for lion in winter, and bear in spring/fall.. then anything else possible.. what're the months that you have the possibility to be guiding some sort of a big game hunt somewhere?

3. Off-Season: This also is just an extra i'd like to add to my report but is not required - but what are days like in the off season when no hunts are going on? Are you out scouting every day, out at hunting shows or somewhere geting your name out and booking hunts everyday? A good 50/50 mixture of both? Taking a rest from the long hard and tiring season?

Of course I could go on and on with questions but this should do me fine - A simple "yes or no" directed answer is fine if no time can be given.. I know if there are any full time guides on this site (which id be suprised to see there were) Im sure your plenty busy right now and not needing this crap, so although the longer the better, simple answers will do fine if thats all that can be given. I appreciate everyones time and all! Good luck to all out there!

(hey even if you're not a full-time guide, or even a guide at all, just if you might know a thing or two or have an idea feel free and post - PM or e-mail.. thanks again!)
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Understand the difference between an outfitter and a guide. A guide would normally do the actual guiding and some camp/animal wrangling. An outfitter owns a company, a lot of equipment and possibly animals, and empoys guides. A guide works for an outfitter and uses the outfitters equipment and animals. Some small outfitting companies may have just one or two persons that own the company and do all the outfitting and the guiding.

I don't think you will have much luck getting a guide or outfitter to tell you how much money they make. It's probably very variable, and guides probably have multiple sources of income and so may not clearly know themselves how much comes from actual guiding. And they may be sensitive about talking about it.

So you may have to wing it to some extent for coming up with the $$ part of your report. Hours worked: it's probably a bit like farming. Some times of the year they practically work 24 hrs/day, but other times of the year not much going on. Outfitters, on the other hand are probably busy all year with the current year and lining up hunters/eqipment/areas for the next year.
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PM me - I'll spill the beans. Anything you want to ask, I'll answer including what I make. I am an outfitter AND guide in Montana.