I need your opinion..

There has been a ongoing, passionate, and many times a heated discussion among my family members of who has got the biggest buck. This has been a ongoing discussion for many years and there there has never been a measurement taken of either buck so as you can imagine sometimes during a family gathering for a birthday, Thanksgiving, or Christmas someone brings up who shot the biggest buck so the discussion continues. Well the last time it was brought up I said I would put it out on the great WWW and neither hunter cared and we all thought it would be fun.

Well in this age of the great internets and for the fun of it - I thought I would ask you guys for your opinion. What buck do you think is the biggest?

So what do you guys think? Of the below bucks which is the biggest? If they were side by side which one would you take a shot at?

Choice A, the real or current measurement is 32.5" kicker to kicker.

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg153/jahvada/bigbuck_zps0c742ad1.jpg" alt="" />

Choice B, the real or current measurement is 32.1/4" wide

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg153/jahvada/IMGP0946.jpg" alt="" />

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg153/jahvada/IMGP0948.jpg" alt="" />

Thanks for your help that will only add to the never ending discussion :)..
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Is both an option? Ha I like them both. I like the mass on the second one but the top one probably scores better.
No wonder there is a heated debate, those are both pretty similar IMO. Obviously the one has trash, but score wise they can't be really to far apart can they? Crap that would be a TOUGH decision on which one I'd shoot side by side. Sometimes 'live' one just looks cooler/better so I'm a bit stumped here. Normally I'd almost always take that trash and extras over a Typical. But that's extra ordinary 5x5 Typical.

So which bucks bigger to me and which would I shoot. The 5x5

Final Answer B...

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I like the second buck a little more.
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I go with "option B." It's the mass that does it for me. Did grandma shoot dat thing?
B all the way. :thumb
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To keep it fair I cant say who shot either buck but my grandma is a hunter she even worked for a outfitter as a camp cook for many years! She is almost 95 now so she does not get out much but that old 30-30 there has taken its share over the years.

http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg153/jahvada/IMGP0956.jpg" alt="" />

I would have thought that choice A might get a few more votes. I believe the top buck will score better as the pics dont show all the trash that well or there are points on the back that dont show up. The top buck is a 11x9 + eyeguards and I think it will score higher on the sheet. The bottom buck does have the "wow" factor and is a 6x5 + eyeguards as there is a tripod thing on the right antler. I will also keep my choice to my self of awhile as I am personal prejudiced against one and will tell the story when I get some time.

Sad part but as goes with the old racks is that so many of my grandfathers rotted over the years. My grandma says when they moved out of town in the mid 50's that her and my grandfather sold a "big pile of antlers" but who cares as tracks dont make soup and you cant eat horns! She swears up and down that these 2 bucks would be #3 and #4 on the list if the 2 largest my grandfather took (in the same year and same area as these 2 came out of - as you could get 2 licenses then). Yea can you say honey hole as these 2 bucks were shot 8 or so years apart not half a mile from each other. Anyway the largest buck for the grandfather was a non-typical with more than 10 points on each side n 37" wide and the other was a 35" wide typical with a matching inline (imagine that! lol ). All my aunts and uncles confirm the story and I wonder where the 2 bucks ended up or if they just rotted away.

Thanks and let me hear your opinion! Is B going to run away with it or is there someone out there who would like A?
Both great bucks; I think I would shoot B. I like the mass and the frame just looks a little better.
B for me :thumb
I gotta go with"B" also, but would be on cloud 9 with"A" any day as well. Both dandy bucks
I gotta go with"B" also, but would be on cloud 9 with"A" any day as well. Both dandy bucks
I gotta go with"B" also, but would be on cloud 9 with"A" any day as well. Both dandy bucks
I love trash. :thumb

The mass on "B" trumps the trash in this case.
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Well it is B by a landslide. I think it would have helped to get them side by side as that non-typ pic did not help.

I was 11 years old and hunting with my grandfather and father when we saw A. Funny but my pops almost always let my grandfather shoot first. I remember him saying go get your grandfather this is a real good buck as my grandpa was all of 50 yds away when I herd the a shell load. I looked back to see the non-typ stop broadside and get dropped in one shot! Looked at my dad and he said "couldnt let that one walk".. He said its down I will go get your grandpa you can walk over to it and we will catch up. It just got bigger and bigger and bigger as I got close.

My grandma did not shoot the other but one my uncles that missed him one day just to find him again ruttin on the last day and got it done. These are the only 2 bucks that my untrained internets helped hand has ever attempted to score as I dont believe score is a good measurement of what a big buck is - a big buck is just that and a number is just that as well. I like to see scores and appreciate it but just never have scored that many deer. Anyway I wonder how close I was on each as they both are well north of the 200" mark. With rounded down numbers I came up with the non typical is 219" and the typical at 214". These #'s seem reasonable to me but what do the rest of you think? Am I close?

Well this will make for a interesting dinner conversation at the next get together :) thanks for the replies.
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I am a fan of mass and uniformity. So B is my choice. But that's just me. Both nice deer though and I would love to have either over my mantle.