I think someone is trying to scam me, any pro. opinions?

I'm finally selling my shock collars since I sold out of the hound game almost 2 years ago now (saddest day of my life :( ). I'm selling them on my friends account on KSL and I received an e-mail from someone, I replied to it saying if he wanted me to ship it he would have to pay for shipping, the e-mail he sent back seems fishy and it sounds like somehow he is going to try to scam me.
My question, does anyone on here have some kind of experience or is able to tell if he may or may not be? I don't want to make this too public of a thing which is why I didn't just post the e-mails on here. But if one or some of you regular users on here think you may be able to help me out i'd appreciate it. Just let me know your e-mail and I will foreward you my e-mail conversation with the purchaser and kinda brief you on what's going on.

Thanks to any for help!
hound_hunter, email them to me if you'd like. I am not a professional but I would like to think that I could help out.

My email is agchawk@yahoo.com
Hawk helped me figure it out, and thanks to him for that!

I'm sure there are plenty of others on here that would have offered help, this is a pretty good site that way with a good group of guys (and gals too probably.. although i'm not aware of any, well besides bigbuck).
Take care all
"hound_hunter" wrote:(and gals too probably.. although i'm not aware of any, well besides bigbuck).
Take care all

haha what the hell you better not be saying im a chick.