Idaho - Southeastern Deer Tags

It's that time of year and I'm searching for a new area, so yet another question about a different state.

Whats the general consensus about Mule Deer hunting in Southeastern Idaho. I wasn't real impressed with the harvest reports, seems like they have low kill ratio's not much better than 30%. Since it seems these tags are sold on a first come first serve basis, do you grab one up right away or is it something you might use as a last resort say if you failed to draw something somewhere else.

Or perhaps its better to buy a non resident tag for the other state units and skip the southeastern tag since its restricted to just the southeastern units?

Thanks for any input!
Honestly, I haven't ever hunted those units designated for the "Southeast" tag but there are a lot of other units in the state to pursue for muleys. I don't know if I read something correctly lately or not but I heard they might do away with the southeast tag due to low success rate and lack of NR tag sales. I don't know if this is true or not but a possibility for sure.

Good luck if you come to Idaho. There are a lot of good units in this state that aren't draw tags so it's just a matter of getting out there to find what you want. 200" bucks are not hiding behind every sagebrush but they are there with a little bit of work....
Thanks Wile I really do appreciate the feedback.