Idaho Bannock Zone

I have my first elk hunt coming up this year and I bought a Bannock Zone tag in Idaho, does anyone have any advice on this zone? My friends and I plan to hit unit 71 where they had some success last year. This was the Chesterfield area. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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I have not hunted around Chesterfield much, I know if you can get on the other side of the mountain you can get into elk. That's the Bancroft area. I would make sure it's in the bannock zone though? If it is talk to the farmers along Lund Road (it's the road at the bottom of fish creek) for access thru their land to the hills behind. Some of them have elk come down into their fields. Also around the Arbon Valley area a herd can be found. Look for areas around the Arbon Highway and Rattlesnake road. The heard is not the size it use to be, but move all thru that area. There was a nice 7x7 bull running around there a few years ago. Once again if you can get access to some hay fields you will have good chances if you locate them.