Idaho Elk Hunting Ruined

I went hunting this last weekend. Didn't see a thing. In fact, I saw more wolf tracks then elk tracks. I have talked to three other buddies who hunt in all different parts of the state. They both actually called in wolves after cow calling and bugling, but no wolves. It makes me sick to hear all of these stories and not be able to do anything about it. From what I hear it is going to be at least another year before we hear from the government on its decision about wolves. The Fish and Game director says we will see a state wide affect on elk from wolves this year and that he estimates that we won't even harvest near the number of elk we harvested last year (19,000 elk, lowest in 30 years). This is devastating. ](*,)
I'm sure that some won't like this but we have a saying in Montana........shoot....shovel.....shutup..
But seriously the wolf problem is getting terrible around here. The places that we used to hunt elk are now close to being wiped out.......think of this the the wolfs kill the cows,bulls and calfs.......and the keep killing the calfs how are the ever going to rebound if the keep killing.......we find dozens of skulls but rarely find any alive.

Good luck with future hunts
Brother drew a early cow tag here in Idaho. Rifle hunt. Well he was up camping and had wolves howling late one night. Well we went back up there last night and we saw wolf tracks right in the road. I stop start glassing and found elk. A 6x6 bull moving up the mountain. We go up still on the road and following the wolf tracks. I stop turn around and head back out. Right below us I see a tree waving in the air. Stop and there is a 5x5 raking a tree. I started glassing more into the trees. My brother gets out and moves down the road and drops over the edge. I am still in the truck. I then see a spike feeding out and see the tops of the bull moving down the bottom. He bugled a couple times. Then see a couple cows. I am out of my truck moving down to my brother. He did not see any of the other elk. We drop over and he ends up whacking of of them cows. Elk scatter and several went down canyon and the bull and 2 cows go over and up. Just for fun I start calling to him. He stops bugles back. I start cow calling he stops turns and moves back. Called the cows back over also. Had the bull bugling 7-8 times.
We saw maybe 20-25 elk just in this one canyon and a bunch of deer. Right where the fresh wolf tracks where. As the tracks where over top of my brother 4 wheeler tracks from a couple days prior. They are a nuisance but dont give up. Elk are there just have to know where and how to hunt them.
A nuisance?Wait till the elk move out and see how you feel about this nuisance. :-k
Put it this way hunted in there 6 yrs ago and went right back to the same area I saw them into before and my brother was up in there several different days. Seeing the wolf tracks just lets me know they are there.

Not saying that it is this way everywhere you go but just hear been up hunting and no animals except wolves. I am going to be upfront with you right here. I am no idiot when it comes to hunting. I have spent probably 35 days in the field this year from bears, antelope, turkeys. Just throwing out there that not all reasons are from wolves.
Give em time,I have seen staionary herds like yours disappear because of a localized pack,they will only take so much harassment before they move out.Been through Yellowstone latley? :>/
Actually the pack in there is one that has been in there for at least 7 maybe 8 years or more. I have always kept my mouth shut about it but it gets on my nerves of people using that as an excuse. I can find animals out there if I look. So everyone that does not seem to fill there tags use that as an excuse.
Good luck to you all in your upcoming hunts. Have my archery elk hunt 10 days coming up. Wife has a rifle bull tag opening Oct 1st. Then I have a Resident tag and a Non Resident tag for deer. If my wife wants to we will hunt deer for her. So I have many more days in the field to go. Have fun and hunt hard and be safe.
You must have some lazy wolves.Its not always an excuse,just because they havnt run off the herd you hunt dont make that text book,I have seen it happen to small areas that held elk for decades before they were "redeposited". :>/