idaho elk, unit 40 & 42
7/21/10 10:04pm
any one has any info on unit 40 or 42 in idaho, my wife drew the elk tag for the late hunt and not very sure where to go.

7/22/10 10:18pm
Wow thats a very hard tag to get and there are some big big bulls back there. I hunt goat and deer in 42. I hunted around Juniper Mt last year. I saw lots of sgin of Elk but never saw one. I would ask Fish and game. I would be out there hunting goat in Aug. with the bow and try to make friends with some ranchers. Also being out there in Septmber you can hear them bugling and can get an idea on where they are hanging out. Where I hunt elk I can find them bugling in Sep. go back in oct/nov and the bull will be right where he was bugling.

7/22/10 11:47pm
thanks for the info, i have heard of that area and some other areas in 40 to check out. i was wondering is their a lot of private area down their and is it mainly junipor and pinions or what kind of terrian, i am going to get scouting about mid august right up through the hunt and i live in nampa so i problably run up their every weekend. thanks basspimp64