Idaho Frank Church mule deer hunt

Long time follower of this site but my first time posting...

Looks like i'm not going to draw any tags this year unless I get lucky and draw my Idaho controlled mulie tag or my Wyoming mulie tag which isn't very likely.

As a backup i'm planning on hunting mule deer (will have wolf tag also) in the Frank Church wilderness units... 26, 27, or 20A. I'm particularly interested in unit 27. I've never laid eyes on them but I've done all the internet/map research I can do over the last several months up to this point of asking for tips/advice on the forums. I usually try to save this as a last resort but given the vastness/ruggedness of the units and the lack of roads, I'm hoping to get an idea for a starting point or general area(s) to focus on.

It would be nice to save some coin and hike in but I'm not opposed to a bush flight into the interior if it improves my odds dramatically.

I greatly appreciate any input/advice and please feel free to PM. I'm fairly new to hunting out West (spent most of my life hunting Texas and Oklahoma) but would be happy to share what knowledge/experience I have pertaining to SE Wyoming antelope, deer, and elk.

Thanks and happy hunting!
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The best way to hunt that would be on horseback. That country is rugged and tough to get into some spots. I have never hunted it but have been there. You have to get deep, the deeper you are the less people you will see and the less skittish those deer will be. I heard from people it's very tough for a general hunt unless you have it all figured out. Good luck