Idaho Gov. Takes a Stand!

Not sure if any of you have heard the news but Idaho Governor has written a letter to Ken Salazar. He has ordered all Idaho Fish and Game to stop all involvement with wolves to include invesitgations and livestock depredation response handing it over to the feds.... Here is the full letter.
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I like this guy!! Go get um' Butch!!
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I like him also. Wonder if intends to join the tea party?
Good for him, don't know him but he was nicer in the letter than I'm afraid I would have been. :)
This entire wolf debacle is really going to start heating up and get even more interesting, to say the least. It's even headed that way in Minnesota, with more and more poaching of the wolves going on. The people (hunters, ranchers, etc.) have had enough and are starting to take things into their own hands. Hold onto yer hats guys, it could get rocky! #-o