Idaho Hog
9/30/05 8:56pm
I just saw some pictures of a Bull elk shoot in Idaho on another site does any body have any more information about it.
Don't have any info on him though. Easily one of the biggest taken, and with a bow??? There has to be some more info out there?
thanks for the pictures.
As such, these two elk are not eligible for entry into the Boone and Crockett Club's Records Program. Tenet IV of the Entry Affidavit states that game "confined by artificial barriers, including escape-proof enclosures" are not taken according to the standards of fair chase established by B&C, and as such do not meet the requirements for entry.
The bull in the top photo is rumored to score 502; the bull in the bottom photo is rumored to score 447. Both are unofficial SCI scores. The bulls are eligible for the SCI records book as SCI does recognize trophies taken behind an escape-proof enclosure as eligible for their records book."
In my opinion, they are both MONSTER bulls but not trophies in my book if they come from a high fenced area.