Idaho Mule Deer unit 19
8/29/11 5:06pm
My brother and I are going into the Unit 19 (Gospel Hump Wilderness Area) to hunt mule deer at the end of September. It looks like extremely rugged country, so we have prepared for a brutally difficult hunt. There are three access points that I have considered.
From Whitebird, take 243 to 221 to 444 ending a square mountain in the NW corner of the unit
From Riggins, travel East along the Salmon River to the Winder River Pack Bridge in the SW corner of the unit
From Elk City, travel South to Dixie on the East side of the unit
My question is how easy are these roads to travel at the end of September and which area would you recommend for mule deer?
The square mountain access looks like it would put us in the moutains (7000-8000 ft), which is where I would expect the mule deer to be during that time of year. There are a few high plateaus to the East that seem like they would be a little easier to cover than some of the other steeper sections of the unit.
The wind river bridge access would put us down in the Salmon River breaks. It seems like this would be better later in the year and would also require a steep climb into the high country.
The Dixie access puts us right on the edge of the unit and would allow us to start hunting right away. I think it is slightly lower (5000-6000 ft) than the square mountain access area.
Should we be as high as possible during the end of September or would Dixie be just as good? Are the high plateaus best or should we be in the steeper country?
Any help would be appreciated.
From Whitebird, take 243 to 221 to 444 ending a square mountain in the NW corner of the unit
From Riggins, travel East along the Salmon River to the Winder River Pack Bridge in the SW corner of the unit
From Elk City, travel South to Dixie on the East side of the unit
My question is how easy are these roads to travel at the end of September and which area would you recommend for mule deer?
The square mountain access looks like it would put us in the moutains (7000-8000 ft), which is where I would expect the mule deer to be during that time of year. There are a few high plateaus to the East that seem like they would be a little easier to cover than some of the other steeper sections of the unit.
The wind river bridge access would put us down in the Salmon River breaks. It seems like this would be better later in the year and would also require a steep climb into the high country.
The Dixie access puts us right on the edge of the unit and would allow us to start hunting right away. I think it is slightly lower (5000-6000 ft) than the square mountain access area.
Should we be as high as possible during the end of September or would Dixie be just as good? Are the high plateaus best or should we be in the steeper country?
Any help would be appreciated.

8/30/11 1:02am
I dont know that specific unit..I drew 18 this year and from the scouting we have done was the larger bucks were up high ..6,000ft and higher..saw lots of does and little bucks low..but up high we saw nothing but bucks and all decent ones to big ones

8/30/11 5:42pm
Thanks for the info. A couple of friends have given us the same recommendation. I applied for 18, but didn't draw. Looks like a great unit and a lot easier to draw than 11.

Springville Shooter
8/30/11 11:57pm
Any of these access points will be fine through September, I've been along way up some of those roads in November. This is some thick, rough country, but such is most good mulie country.You might run across a monster whitetail up there too. I've seen them way up high, especially early. I'll be there hunting whitetails in the lower country in October.------SS

8/31/11 10:33am
Thanks is great to get some reassurance that the roads will be fit to drive on during that time of year. Any thoughts on whether to focus on the high plateaus or the steep mountains and valleys?