idaho's unit 40 for antelope
7/21/10 10:09pm
my son drew unit 40 for antelope, does anybody have any info where we should go?

7/22/10 10:09pm
Gun or bow? I think you mean gun but snice idaho made all the goat tags a draw I am not sure? I like unit 42 more can you hunt 42 with that tag? My budy likes cow creek area in unit 40, when he goes goat hunting.

7/22/10 11:52pm
my son drew the one with a 100 permits and i drew my second choice for the archery hunt and trying to figuire out where im going and then my son since my sons hunt is after mind and maybe i can find an area we can both go.......any thoughts on that.....?

7/23/10 12:52am
So your son will be hunting with a rifle. I would start out driving south west on Cow creek along Swisher Mt and head all the way down to Flint rd. I am sure you will see some goats in there. I do all my goat hunting down by Dick shooter rd in 42. I just drive around until I spot some goats then find the nearest water whole and set a blind up, but that's when I am hunting with a bow (sep 1st). I still haven't got that rifle goat tag. I think there are more ranches in 40 then 42 but there is still tons of land to hunt. What I have found is the ranches don't care if you past through there gates as long as you leave them the way you found them, but if you can always ask first. I'am not sure how many will let you hunt on there land, but they always let me drive through it. Sorry on the Elk I just don't know where they are or where they like to go in 40 or 42? But Nampa is close so you should get some time to scout. I either drive down to Jorden Valley and go in that way or drive out to Grand view and take mud flat rd off of 78.