Idaho Spring Bear hunt
12/5/10 5:29pm
I am planning on buying a OTC bear tag for Idaho 2011.
I am going to set up bait what bait works the best? How to decide where to put the bait site? Any Units better then others?
I am going to set up bait what bait works the best? How to decide where to put the bait site? Any Units better then others?
I have been baiting northern Idaho for about 9 years now. I used to do spring and fall, now I just stick to spring. I would try up the cda river area. Get away from the people and away from roads. Hound hunters rely on bears to cross the road to cut fresh tracks, and if your bait is by a road the bears WILL use it. I'm very dedicated to baiting, and in the spring it becomes my whole life. I have used dogfood, bacon and pretty much anything you can think of. A buddy of mine works for a grease place so i get all the scraps that are filtered out of the grease and it seemed to help tremendously this year since the bears that are already at your bait will track the grease all over the woods and into bear country. Since you want to get away from the road I would suggest walking a gated road with a pack frame full of dogfood or using popcorn. I just buy a big bag of kernels at costco or walmart and pop it myself. Add some sugar to it, cuz they love it sweet. Get some bobcat or real stinky trapping lure and smear it over rags and hang that high in the trees on ridges surrounding your bait site (you will want to do this as soon as the season opens to get the initial scent out to the bears...Get a trail camera and if your archery hunting like I do it can be a blast. Just like anything in life...the more you put towards it, the more rewarding it will be. I was very dedicated this last spring and passed 21 different bears, saw 9 in one evening and it was just plain awesome. I never did shoot one since I was holding out for a Pope and Young bear. I did get busted by a toad that would of probably booked and was over 350lbs...Have fun and if you have any questions you can pm me for sure.
Good luck,
I do have access to ALOT of thick left over grease because the company I work for runs Biofuel and I can have all the chucky stuff! I am looking forward to this coming spring and trying to get on a big bear with my bow. I have shot one bear with my bow but it was back east but I am looking for a big one too. Do you have a favorite unit I should check out? I am in southern idaho and have to drive to get to bear country. Season starts April 15th but should I worry about snow? When to start baiting? Thanks in advance.
You legally can't start baiting till the seaon opens, which is unfortuante. If I were you I would stick to unit 3 or 4. If you move over to unit 7 or 9 I believe you can bait into june. The problem with those units, is that you are in higher elevations, which means more snow. I use the grease scarps exculsively, in addition to the bobcat lure and it seemed to work great. I have my treestand 22 yards away which was too close as I could hardly move without being busted. I would shoot for around 35-45 yards away and check the thermals in the draw which you choose to bait. You will want to place your bait on an east facing slope. That way it will be less lit up by the evening sun and big bears will be more likely to show up in the last few minutes of the day. Your grease connection should work out great as long as you can bring up a bunch with you. Where from southern Idaho are you?
Any more questions Ill be glad to meet up with you in the spring and show you some of my tricks!