Ideas for mounting antelope?
3/14/07 9:19pm
I don't usually mount stuff, If I ever get a rack worth keeping I put it on a plack just with the skull and throw some leather over the skull... well w/ pronghorns i always just let 'em decay and pull the horns off and keep them on a shelf or counter or something. Their starting to build up a little (not really, but 4 sets - and many more to come through the years) anyone know or have any ideas what I could/should do with them? I would think putting em on a plack would look pretty dumb, if even possible, but i guess since ive never seen it i shouldnt criticise. Can't think of anything to do with them though, anyone got any suggestions?
Theirs one set in particular that I wish I woulda kept the hide off of to get it mounted. But when cleaning it and stuff I figured i'd probably end up not doing it and didnt waste my time on it. Anyone know how expensive it'd be (roughly of course cause im sure it varies) to buy a cape from the taxidermist and get a shoulder mount?
Theirs one set in particular that I wish I woulda kept the hide off of to get it mounted. But when cleaning it and stuff I figured i'd probably end up not doing it and didnt waste my time on it. Anyone know how expensive it'd be (roughly of course cause im sure it varies) to buy a cape from the taxidermist and get a shoulder mount?
As for buying a cape for possible mounting: I did some research and they can be had for anywhere between $50.00 to $150.00 depending on the size, whether or not it's tanned, dry preserved, or raw, and if they are in stock (Most suppliers do not carry a large quantity of these like they do for whitetail and mule deer). The prices above do not include shipping costs though.
Hope this helps.
thanks again HAWK
If ya give it a shot I'd be interested to see how it turns out.
try sumthin like this bud, heck, I'd even buy it from ya when you're done!
you could poor plaster inside the horn cap and cast it, creating a mounting surface, then just glue em on????? i dunno, I have to be careful with stuff like that in my house cuz I run into things all the time. lol
dont poke your eye out!
So I took in 3 of my 6 sets that're sitting in my cluttery room and just basically said do whatever you want to em. I don't really think you could make a pronghorn look that great unless you had the skull for a european or if you mounted them then their beautiful animals! 1 of the sets scores in the low 80's and i'm a little mad for not keepin the hide on him.. I'm thinking about stealing a hide off whatever I take this year and getting him mounted cause their really pretty animals when mounted.
Anyways, i'll let ya know how they turn out - took in 4 animals total and he says 4-6 weeks... now we wait, it'll be nice just to get them off the dusty shelf and into the 'wall of shame' on the garage wall :))