im off again

im off again this weekend to try to get a muley doe and a cow elk! so hopefully i will get something!! xcrossx xcrossx xcrossx 4c
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Good luck!
with all due respect i read this post about 3 hours before i made this post. and i could not get it off of my mind. why would you even annouce that you are going after a muley doe and cow elk. if i were to have those tags i would be in disguise while on the hunt. especially in colorado where there are more elk than people??????????????????????????
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Best of luck, have a great hunt!

Harsh...intended or not.
"callofthewild" wrote:with all due respect i read this post about 3 hours before i made this post. and i could not get it off of my mind. why would you even annouce that you are going after a muley doe and cow elk. if i were to have those tags i would be in disguise while on the hunt. especially in colorado where there are more elk than people??????????????????????????
callofthewild, not everyone cares about antlers. God gave us this critters to eat and they do taste good. :thumb I personally like to kill mature animals but I have plenty of friends who hunt strictly for meat and and could care less about antlers.

Have a great hunt Ronald and I hope you fill the freezer with fresh wapiti and venison.
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callofthewild: You may have overlooked a substantial amount of variables in your 3 hour contemplation session. Unless you know Coloradobuck, why not support your fellow hunter? He is a hunter.
holy cow there are signs of life on this site. i seem to have ruffled a few feathers on here today. it is my opinion that mule deer doe hunts should not even exist. at least until the mule deer numbers are up way more than they are today. the cow elk hunt on the other hand go for it there are way to many elk roaming around in prime mule deer habitat IMO.

don't get me wrong i enjoy being out among those regal beasts called elk. i just feel that the mule deer has been almost abandoned and are paying for the higher dollars the elk can bring in.

if by chance i did offend mr. coloradobuck then i do offer an appology. i just do not know why we must try to rally support to enbark in a preverbial duck shoot which is the mule deer doe hunt. antlers have absolutely nothing to do with the way i feel on this subject. if you feel that you need meat and not antlers then shoot the first spike you see. at least that way you are not affecting the future of the mule deer herd. that deer will not be ready to breed and there is a doe left to get bred and produce offspring to replace the spike that was harvested. that is just my .02 cents.
callofthewild, I would agree with you about killing Mulie does if we were talking about Utah or some of the other Western states but CB is hunting them in Colorado and the Mulie population is at or over the long term objective of 621,000. We have a few areas that need some does thinned out.
with all due respect i read this post about 3 hours before i made this post. and i could not get it off of my mind. why would you even annouce that you are going after a muley doe and cow elk. if i were to have those tags i would be in disguise while on the hunt. especially in colorado where there are more elk than people??????????????????????????
Ronald good luck on your hunt.
More elk than people ??? No but we do have around 240,000 elk though we do have the highest mule der population though.

, Colorado buck hunts mainly for meat not to mention he is only in highschool still for him its more about hunting opportunity than it is trophy for him right now. Not that he dosn't get buck tags every year also. He has killed a few with the 308 . He also lives in Very good Deer country alot of B/C bucks come out of his area

Colorado you get a buck and a deer tag in most units and a bull and a cow tag also.

Unlike Utah(where you do have some great trophies) we are over run with mulies and elk as Colorado is a opportunity state quanity not quality managment overall But we do have some good units that take more than a few points.
Good luck!
"callofthewild" wrote:holy cow there are signs of life on this site. i seem to have ruffled a few feathers on here today. it is my opinion that mule deer doe hunts should not even exist. at least until the mule deer numbers are up way more than they are today. the cow elk hunt on the other hand go for it there are way to many elk roaming around in prime mule deer habitat IMO.

don't get me wrong i enjoy being out among those regal beasts called elk. i just feel that the mule deer has been almost abandoned and are paying for the higher dollars the elk can bring in.

if by chance i did offend mr. coloradobuck then i do offer an appology. i just do not know why we must try to rally support to enbark in a preverbial duck shoot which is the mule deer doe hunt. antlers have absolutely nothing to do with the way i feel on this subject. if you feel that you need meat and not antlers then shoot the first spike you see. at least that way you are not affecting the future of the mule deer herd. that deer will not be ready to breed and there is a doe left to get bred and produce offspring to replace the spike that was harvested. that is just my .02 cents.
How dare you say kill a spike! Around here you can get crucified for killing a spike and posting pics(trust me, I know!), just ask shedfreak88 and NONYA.

CB-hunt whatever you enjoy and good luck!
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the first day didnt go so good. i have to take a vicodon pill and an antybyotic and i took one this mornin and forgot to eat something with it and it tore my stumec up and i spent the whole day at home throughing up and sleeping :>/ :>/ but i'm off again tomorrow to get a MULEDEER4 DOE AND A COW ELK
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finaly i got a deer. its a beast of a doe. 150 yard shot. will have pics and story soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go!
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the pics are coming up!
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here they are!

me and my beast of a doe

me and my doe two

veiw from where i shoot the doe.
That doe has a huge set of ears. How wide was its spread? Congrats
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a few inches! biggest doe i ever shot!!!so its a reall trophy :thumb
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Callofthewild, one of the things that we all like so much about this forum is that there isn't any of the holier-than-tho attitude that was so bad on the old Utah DWR forum.
We welcome you to MM but I'd ask that you and others please keep your posts positive and up beat.
We all have a right to believe as we please, but we don't have the obligation to try and convert everyone else to our idea of "right"
If he has doe and cow tags, wish him luck. If that is too much against your grain then say nothing.
i am not trying to convert anyone here treetop.
callofthewild wrote.

if i were to have those tags i would be in disguise while on the hunt.

To me this implies that CB should be ashamed or feel guilty about what he is doing.

I was once told that one of the prices of living in this great country is that we have to tolerate other peoples beliefs even when they are not the same as our own.

To watch all of this fighting between fellow hunters puzzles me. (???)


Great pictures on a fine doe. :thumb

Can't wait to hear the story.
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thank you a_bow_nut i will have the story in a bit
"treetop" wrote:Callofthewild, one of the things that we all like so much about this forum is that there isn't any of the holier-than-tho attitude that was so bad on the old Utah DWR forum.
We welcome you to MM but I'd ask that you and others please keep your posts positive and up beat.
We all have a right to believe as we please, but we don't have the obligation to try and convert everyone else to our idea of "right"
If he has doe and cow tags, wish him luck. If that is too much against your grain then say nothing.
WOW.... I thought you didn't like holier-than-tho attitudes.... :-k

we do have a right to believe as we please.. correct me if I'm wrong.. but doesn't callofthewild have a right to believe as he believes....but as long as he keeps it to himself?? now that doesn't seem right! he wasn't trying to convert anyone.. at least what I read.. but then maybe some posts were deleted... IMHO (???)
just one post was deleted 270. it was not even related to this topic though.
Actually several posts "IN" this topic were deleted, lets just be friends and let this die.

I don't have a problem with friendly, helpful discussion, not not tearing each other down.

Coloradobuck, CONGRATS on some FINE table fare!

I've shot quite a few in my days and loved every one of them.
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thank you AGCHAWK :thumb
I know I am running the risk of starting this up again but I wanted to throw my two-cents worth out there anyway. Please take it for what it's worth (Probably not much though...LOL).

For those of you that disagree with the harvesting of does, that's cool. You are certainly entitled to your opinion and you don't have to hunt them if you do not want to.

However, the harvesting of does (and cows for that matter) is an essencial part of game management.

To start, does can live for as long as 15 years (and sometimes longer under ideal conditions) while most bucks live no longer than around 9 years. This is mainly due to the bucks "more rough" lifestyle they lead while battling for dominance, breeding rights, etc. Therefore, left unchecked, the population can increase rather rapidly with does far out-numbering the bucks.

Typically, most management plans shoot for around 9-12 bucks per every 100 does (this ratio does vary from region to region, state to state) as a "post-hunt" minimum ratio. This not only keeps the population at manageable levels, it helps ensure that the vast majority of does are bred by the more dominant, healthy bucks.
If does were bred regularly by weaker bucks with "lesser" genes, this would adversely effect the overall health/fitness of the herd (I am not saying it does not does. However, with less does and a better buck-to-doe ratio it helps ensure that the bigger, healthier bucks make the rounds more efficiently.)

Additionally, overpopulation is a major concern. If a population/meta-population is allowed to overpopulate then you run the risk of overgrazing, increased mortality, weaker heards, and a much more rapid spread of diseases and parasites. To keep the population in check and at proper/near proper buck-to-doe ratios you must kull a certain number of females.

Various state's game departments, DNR's, etc review population numbers, mortality rates, hunter harvest numbers, etc at regular intervals to ensure that the populations are healthy and in check. These numbers in turn help dictate the number of antlerless permits/tags that are allowed in each region, GMU, etc. They also help dictate how many buck tags, special permits, depredation permits, etc will/can be issued.

Again, we are all entitled to our own opinions and that's fine. I just wanted to help folks form a more informative opinion on this subject. You can agree, disagree, refute my thoughts and opinions, etc. That's fine with me.

See Colorado, you're doing your part to help ensure the future health/fitness of the Mule deer population is at optimal levels! Thanks man!
=D> couldn't have said it better myself =D> =D>
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Man Hawk were gonna miss you while youre gone! Well done Colorado buck!!!
Congrats CB! I can attest to the fact that once on the plate you cannot tell a difference on whether a critter had antlers or not.
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thanks ya'l. im off this mornin trying for a cow. its the last day so hopefully i can pull it off! 4c xcrossx