Importance of camo
7/25/08 9:19pm
Howdy All, First, I'm a new guy. I'm Chris, I live in Teton Valley,ID.
How important or not do you all feel camo is for rifle hunting elk and mule deer?
What type of camo do you prefer if needed?
How important or not do you all feel camo is for rifle hunting elk and mule deer?
What type of camo do you prefer if needed?
I do not bother spending much on camo anymore playing the wind ,scent control and not moving to much will get you closer to to more animals than camo.
I do not understand having fancy camo if you have to wear a orange hat and vest anyway. There are some types of hunting that camo is more needed for concealment such as coyote hunting possibly antelope hunting and of course duck and turkey hunting.
For bow hunters camo may play a more vital role in helping them be more successful, but for the most part I dont think camo makes as much difference as hunting smart and knowing the habits, strengths & weaknesses of the animal you are hunting.
Having good quality clothing that keeps you warm, dry and wicks away moisture is key no cotton stuff unless it is a hunt in dry weather. Most good hunting clothing is going to come in camo patterns anyway so pick good clothing that fits your needs and is durable and get the pattern you desire.
The biggest odor emitter of the body has to be the mouth/nose. You are inhaling/exhaling constantly and you are spreaking the scent of what you last ate or drank, or who knows what. Scent control clothes will not help much in this situation. As you huff and puff going up and over ridge after ridge chasing bullwinkle, you sweat and emit odors. You have to play the wind in order to get in close.
Scent control clothing does 2 things. It reduces the weight in your wallet allowing you to walk farther, it makes the manufacturers rich so they can go on multiple hunts of a lifetime. :>/
But the real importance of camo is that some folks got rich selling it.
I wear as much camo as I can whenever I hunt anything. But I really dont care what brand type or pattern it is. Most of the camo patterns are just so much marketing bs and people tryin to be Bill Jordan. Even some Christian camo companies out there, but I dont get the correlation. I hardly think JC was wearin camo loincloth when he was crucified. US Army camo works as well as any and is available anywhere cheap. I dont have tan camo but if I hunted like AZ or NV or some high desert area I might. A lot of my stuff is ol Trebark camo thats wore thin and looks shabby but I can call bulls in to 45feet so I dont think they notice. Nor do they notice my mandatory blaze orange hat and vest(no blaze camo allowed here). When I hunted with Realtree folks two yrs ago they gave us all samples so I got way more camo than I need. Last yr I bought some camo stuff from Cabela's in wifes sizes for her to wear. I guess if I hunted dead of winter some white camo might be ok.