In Pursuit of "Cover"

The 2012 season began with much anticipation, not because I had draw a good tag...but my buddy had. I decided to dedicated most of my summer (turns out all of it) in pursuit of find him a big buck. He had drawn a tag in the place I love (God's Country) isn't it all his though. :)

The famed hunt would take place with a bow on the beautiful Paunsaugunt Plateau. With a history rich in BIG BUCKs, it's a place I knew well and loved to spend time. Would 2012 bring the much needed Spring rains for antler growth, or the dryness of it seems the Sahara Desert? Turns out the Spring of 2012 turned out to be hot, and DRY...VERY DRY. Not a good mix for antler growth and big bucks. Still my (our) hopes were high of finding a 'shooter' buck to admire.

I had made a 'hit list of big bucks' from 2011 that I hoped would return in 2012 and the chance at finding one of them. That black box in the corner was reserved for something "new" I was hoping to find in 2012.

Here was my bucks I had seen the previous year, not knowing if any or all of them would survive and return this year. Turns out that black box, would end up with a picture in it fairly soon...and better than any of the other bucks. BTW I did find 2 out of the 5 bucks in the photos in 2012 as well.

To be continued...
To be continued when??! lol Those are all some sweet bucks! looking forward to seeing what filled the black box!
one hunting fool
Damn I was on the edge of my seat!!!!!
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Nice but I agree it seems you forgot the rest of the post.? (???)
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Talk about torture...

I look forward to the rest of the story.
Awesome collage man
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Looks awesome so far! I'm excited to hear the rest of the story.
Ready when you are.......I am liking this so far.
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looks good so far...
Now for the first scouting trip of the summer, man I couldn't wait to "get out" there and find some bucks it had been a busy and very stressful spring and it was killing me waiting for my chance to leave town and see the Pink Cliffs, cool mooring air and most of all...hopefully GIANT bucks. June 13th (a Wednesday) would be my 1st outing this year and boy did things start off great. I arrived at my destination in about 2 hours time to one of my favorite "Honey Holes" if you will and within the 1st 10 minutes of arriving look what I found.

I was thrilled, check about the double guards and bases on this buck. Tough to find bucks with double eyeguards on both sides here he was in plain sight within 10 minutes of scouting. Man this summer is looking good and easy so far, or is it???

So I found a new buck, is he big enough or the one to "cover" the black box? TIme will tell...

see ya back here soon hopefully..." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
one hunting fool
That is an AWESOME buck
OK, this is going to be painful waiting for the updates. Can't wait to see how the story ends.
My next scouting trip of the year would be the very next day, (June 14th). 2 back to back days looking for bucks. It turned out to be a pretty good day also. Mixed in with some young bucks, some weird/goofy bucks I found 1 really cool buck.

1st the odd balls and younger bucks..." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Then some that have potential..." alt="" />" alt="" />
Then for my sweet 3x3 framed buck that I immediately recognized from the previous year (3 point on the right). Look which buck he was running with last year..." alt="" />

This has to be a good sign right. It's only June 14th and look at this growth already. So with a month and a half left, this has to be our "cover" buck doesn't he? Looks like a dropper off the main beam and some trash up top and plenty of time to still grow...this just might be "the one".

His frame was by far better than ANY buck I'd seen so far, wider, taller, just all the way around he look the best yet. But there has to be something bigger/better somewhere? Or is there??" alt="" />" alt="" />

Stay tuned...
Here is some video of the sweet 3 point...

Cool looking buck. But I think that you have more hid up your sleave.

Awesome thread.

Trail cams, well crud I've always used them for just fun. Never hunted a buck I've had on camera, it's more or less like Christmas to me and so I enjoy just getting pictures for FUN. But this year is different isn't it, I mean my buddy has a Premium LE tag so I've got to take these trail cams more seriously? Should I buy more? I already have 7 of them that work (although couple of them aren't great or very good). Well I decided I wanted to build a couple of more home brews, so I ordered the parts and figured my buddy with the tag was a good excuse to have 2 more. :)

While waiting for the parts on the new builds, I set up 4 trail cameras in hopes of turning up good buck, cams were set up around the end of May and I waited less than 2 weeks until I checked them for the 1st time.

Here is the results, will any of these trail cam bucks end up running for "cover" come opening day?

see ya soon...

May 31st, 2012
Well my 3rd day out Scouting was June 30th, I had high anticipation of hoping to turn up the double eye guard buck and possibly one other great buck from last year. Neither buck was found, but I did find these bucks...

An nice straight 4 point and a big 3 point with a cheater." alt="" />" alt="" />

I also found this buck from an earlier post, he is starting to look better. Course his buddy was still with him also. Could he end up a shooter?" alt="" />" alt="" />

Then I found these 2 nice bucks, especially the one on the right. Heavy, mature, tall, and it's only June 30th...we still have potential for another 4 weeks of growth. This guy could be a HUGE typical buck and something special. Only problem is he lives most of his life on private property. So I just had to watch him for fun. Or is it possible for him to leave the solitude and "cover" of private ground over to public?" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

We shall see...
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This is a great thread. You definitely have me checking back every day. 10sign:
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"archerycrazy" wrote:This is a great thread. You definitely have me checking back every day. 10sign:
Have to agree. Too bad this sight doesn't have a app that notify you when a post is made.
Love this thread so far. Thanks for sharing. There are some great bucks in there. :thumb
"therookie" wrote: Too bad this sight doesn't have a app that notify you when a post is made.
therookie hit the Subscripe Topic box below and you'll get a email when there is a new post on this thread.

I'm waiting for a pic of big buck and a hunter at the end of this thread???...
Here is some (poor) video of the big Typical on the right on Private ground...

July 18th would be my next scouting opportunity, exactly 1 month till opening day. Man things are getting exciting as the hunt creeps closer and closer. Anticipation is high as time draws nearer and nearer and velvet growth will be slowing down soon.

My trip turned up the same nice 3-point from earlier, looking even better." alt="" />

I also turned up these group of bucks, a decent 4-point with mass and couple okay 4-points. Plus the crab clawed 4-point with a cheater. But these bucks aren't what you wait for the Premium tag for, or are they?" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

Hang it there still 4 weeks left till the opener, still in pursuit of "cover"...

Absolutely awesome posts, just as many others have mentioned, I find myself checking back everyday for new updates. Great scouting photos and capture of some neat bucks. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
Thanks for the kind words MM friends, your replies keep me interested in continuing also.

Well the morning of the 18th of July I had 2 goals in mind, find the sweet non-typical cheater buck and a new monster.

I accomplished one of those goals and here is the sweet video to show...

I managed to get some great footage on 40 power through my Spotter. Check out the awesome dropper off the beam that has grown a lot since my last time finding him. The trash and character, just might make him to hard to pass. (He looks best in HD, change the settings to 720p)

But what about the trail cams, haven't checked them in a while...time to open the "cover" and have a look inside goal 2?? ...
Awesome post, thanks for taking us along!!!
Alright well I opened up the "cover" of my 4 trail cams, and I got a picture that got me really excited...kinda...sorta....or did it?

I wasn't exactly sure what to think, kinda washed out and blurry from moving. But I'm thinking I'm seeing a cheater or two and right side and good fronts. And the photo is from June 17 from the time stamp...things are looking good and looking up.

Glad I finally cracked the "cover" on the trail cam.
But this is only one of 4 cams, what about the others??...
Here is some video I shot of some of the bucks in a previous post through my binos...

Well I opened up the other 3 trail cams and on 2 of them was nothing exciting at all, so as I popped open the "cover" on the final trail cam I'm starting to wonder if it's a bust on this camera also. Then all of a sudden I come across this photo...WALLA, MONEY, SWEET CHERRY PIE, that my friends is a big buck. And could he have posed any better for the photo? It's like he just wanted his picture taken.

I'm thinking I just found a GIANT, and as near as I can tell he is an 8x8 which a spit eye guard on his left side (possible point or two on his right base as well). The best news I've seen all summer and the best photo also. What are the odds, I was ecstatic. But I had yet to see the buck "alive" or in person. Would I ever?

Better yet the time stamp on the trail camera was June 21st, still plenty of time to grow. How big would he get?
Quest now was to get more trail cam pics of him, would it happen??
Well I tried and tried to get more trail cam pictures of the "Big Boy" non-typical. I was struggling big time to find him, let alone get trail camera pictures. I decided I had to go on a full out onslaught to capture him on trail cams. So I soon increased my count of 4 trail cams in field to NINE. That's right I was now going to run 9 trails cams in hopes of turning up the big boy again. More trail cams than I've ever run before. I'm I crazy I thought? This is time consuming and a lot of work just for a lousy mule deer. :)

In the meantime I continued to scout for other bucks, hoping to jump another giant from "cover".

Here is my next trip, I found some good bucks but there has to be more than one big buck left alive. ](*,)" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

And some video...

great post!

my guess is the buck you put 9 cameras on is a young buck with great potential. Either way I cant wait to see the rest of the story and see how he turns out. Thanks for posting!

looks like the buck posing for the camera turned out to be an incredible one by a few post down. The trail camera photo of this buck made it look like a very young buck compared to the big heavy bodied bucks you posted videos of.

congrats to the hunter! Do you have any idea what the age of the buck was?
About 3-4 weeks before the hunt was to start I got a call from my friend saying he had found an absolute GIANT. Here is the pics he took through his spotter that morning, just an absolute beast of a buck. His back forks were unreal, as was his right front. Check out the cheaters on his left and the big one that splits. Truly an impressive Mule Deer. We had one problem, he spent most of his life on Private Property also." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

What are the odds of this big boy leaving "cover" of private ground?
If the bucks keep growing this fast then I sure can't wait to see where the post ends up. =D>

I can tell you one thing that it doesn't end with one of these deer in front of my smiling face. :not-worthy
Well it's August 1st and yep you guessed it, I'm still at it. Searching for the elusive Mule Deer.

Here is what I found that day, you should recognize these bucks from some previous posts. They are looking really nice now, and I was pleasantly surprised at how the wide 4x5 turned out from my 1st time seeing him this summer. He was looking good and wide (I have photos of him for 3 straight years.)" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
My Favorite of the day, the "Chipmunk" buck. :) (On Private Ground)" alt="" />

Aug. 2nd the next day, things are going to turn in my favor...
one hunting fool
WOW that 4x5 is impressive!!!
I need to be hunting with you!! lol
Well it's August 2nd and the morning turns into a good one, actually a GREAT one. I finally found a buck I've been looking for all summer and was on my list from 2011. See first page of this thread (buck in top left corner) that's him. He was AWESOME last year and this year he is a 5x5 with inlines on the inside back on both sides. He is tall, heavy and just a pretty buck.

My friend managed to get a pic of him in 2010..." alt="" />

Here is my pic of him in 2011" alt="" />

And my video from 2012 on August 2nd (no still pics) he was a long ways off and I videoed him with my home brew spotting scope adapter on 40x power.

As good as August 2nd was, (and it was good) August 3rd was even better (a lot) better; the big boy was about to break "cover"...
And the plot thickens.
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Uh oh someone took the weekend off. Okay lets hear the complete version now its killing all of us followers ](*,)
That video turned out really well. This a great thread, it's been fun to follow.
Well before we get the events of August 3rd, we can't forget about the trail cams can we? Time for a check isn't it?
Here Here, I think off to check my now 9 trails in search of the giant buck I figured I had on previous cameras earlier. Much to my dismay and shock this is the only picture I had of the 'big boy' again. I couldn't believe it, for sure I thought I could turn him up with that many cameras running. No dice.

The date on the time stamp was July 7th, so still plenty of time to grow and he is still looking BIG, really big to me. Not my best trail cam picture but I'll take it.
Alright it's August 3rd now and I'm determined to find the Big Boy on the trail cam above, it's been almost a month since my last camera picture and he will be done growing by now. I've yet to see him alive, which is getting really frustrating. So I set out that evening in hopes of finding him or some other nice bucks. I head to one of my favorite spots and wait, and wait, and wait. NOTHING.

As as the sun sets and lightness turns to darkness I realize that tonight just wasn't my night. I begin the ride back home as it's nearly to dark to see anything and even if I did this late (it's to dark for any pictures) so I "bail" out of the area with no sighting of anything big let alone the big non-typical from my trail cam.

This is the picture I took as I left that evening at 9:21 PM August 3rd...
Hang in there, the buck just broke "cover".
On first sighting on the buck above, I thought I had just seen a nice 4-point. Cool I thought as I quickly grabbed my and camera a took a few steps back hoping he would break from "cover" and give me a skyline picture. But he is now staring directly at me through the trees and unfortunately I was anything but quiet on my way out of there, so he has me pegged. This isn't good... ](*,)

So what would allow or make him to break "cover", as I steady the camera hoping he steps into the clearing I notice not ONE deer, but TWO deer standing next to each other. The 1st buck steps out into the clearing, I immediately turn to take pictures...but quickly notice this buck is no monster, in fact he is a dink young buck. But I've learned over the years, this is a good thing the nicer buck behind just
might follow the younger buck in front.

Sure enough, just as the young gun steps out of the clearing here comes the 4-point and I'm READY with my camera. HOLY CRAP I think to myself as he steps out, that's not a 4-point...IT'S HIM...the GIANT NON-TYPICAL. I was in disbelief at my luck! The biggest buck I had seen on trail cam in a long time had just came right to me at almost dark. I turned my ISO settings on my camera as high as possible to allow more light and began "clicking" as fast and furious as I could. He paused in the opening for 1 min 52 seconds.

As he stepped into the trees and darkness I couldn't help but smile at my own little moment of Mule Deer Heaven. I got him on camera, a mere 60 yards or so. I was ecstatic!!!

Now the question is did the pictures TURN OUT? With the open skyline in the background I knew I had a chance, without it NONE.

Here are the results from the encounter..." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Nice. =D>

This one has a torn up ear also.

Are you notching their ears like they used to on hogs back in the day so that you can keep track of all these nice bucks? :))
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Those are some sweet pics. I'm loving this post. Keep them coming.
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This thread is like reading the best novel of my life, a page burning thriller, but I'm allowed to read only one page a day... lol
I keep forcing myself to wait several days at a time before reading. Still suspenseful. If this were a book i would have read the back first!!
A post a day....Thats all we ask. ;-)
Great Thread MuleyMadness, looking forward to this everyday
Alright well it's getting close to crunch time, I've littered the hills with 9 trail cameras trying to catch the big non-typcial on trail cam. I finally got my first "live" look at him and he has quickly moved to the TOP of the hit list.

I FINALLY got my break and got an absolutely stunning trail cam picture of him on August 5th, 2012 (13 days before the Archery Opener)" alt="" />

I also got these 2 pictures of him, although they are not great quality

August 7th" alt="" />
August 8th" alt="" />
And my last trail cam picture of the year of him I finally caught him during daylight hours going away on the 8th of August also. Hang with me, I get out for 1 more scouting trip before opening day...
Wow.....some sweet pics! If only I could find a buck like that! :thumb
Great Pics
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"archerycrazy" wrote:This thread is like reading the best novel of my life, a page burning thriller, but I'm allowed to read only one page a day... lol
Great Picture and story.

Can't wait to see and read more.
Well my last outing of the year was August 10th and 11th, only 1 week before the opener. I found some of the same deer I'd been watching all summer as well as a couple of new bucks that were pretty nice.

Couple of pretty nice bucks in these pics, worthy of the tag???" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

Also found this cool looking Antelope..." alt="" />

And finally some video of my cool non-typical 3-point. Notice anything different about him?
Yea that's right, the bil ole 3-point has lost his big cool DROPPER. Bummer, I would have shot him if I had the tag, but he now dropped off my "hit list".


Would the big non-typical break "cover" for the 2nd time on OPENING DAY???
Springville Shooter
I'd gladly put a tag on a couple of those, namely the one licking his back, and a coule in the video. Nice bucks for sure. --------SS
mapleton archer
Well with just a week before opening day, I showed my pictures to my 'buddy' with tag. He really had his heart set on trying to kill the big non-typical. So I said I'd be there to try and help him out opening day and see what we could do.

Then with less than a week before the opener things changed, WHAT THE HECK. Are you KIDDING ME? My buddy decides to try for a different buck opening weekend. Are we/he NUTS? :)

So you guessed it, opening day found my buddy in a different area after a different buck and found me at home wondering what the heck I was going to do. Oh well that's hunting right. I elected to pass on another scouting trip for the opener, I could only be out the 1st day anyway as I was back in school and very busy.

So what happened opening day? Would the big non-typcial survive? I had my doubts.

My friend texted my and called with a rumor that a big non-typical was killed opening day that was rumored to score around 220"
Some how I just knew it was the HIM. I just had a gut feeling he was killed, but I had no confirmation from anyone and most importantly no PICTURES to prove.

It took 3 weeks before I would know for sure and here is the conclusion to my search for "COVER".

Yes the Big Non-Typical broke "cover" opening day, not only did he break "cover", he made THE COVER. :)

He was arrowed at 1st light from a very close distance by a guy named Garth Jensen." alt="" />

I've heard 3 different scores on this tremendous buck. 222", 220", & 218"

I'll go with the one in the middle. 220"

(Click To Enlarge Image)
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Awesome post. Did ur friend let the air outta anything
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Wow...that buck turned out AMAZING! It sounds like someone else was watching him closely as well. Did your friend tag out? Thanks for the posts on this thread, it has been a fun ride.
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Keep them coming.
That would be a tough call to pass on a buck of that caliber.....sounds like there was competition for the buck anyway.
As for my buddy, not sure if he wants to tell his story or not? But in the end he came home with a...

big bowl of tag soup...
It was a very frustrating hunt for him to say the least. Hope he'll forgive me for posting these pics. [-o<
In the end, I actually think my buddy made the right call not to pursue this big non-typical. He came very close on another buck, but just wasn't quite able to seal the deal so to speak.
Great thread, that is one big buck. That would definitely be a tough call to make to go after another buck, but hopefully good memories were made regardless of his outcome.
TANK of a buck, congrats to the hunter and to Muleymadness as well for getting some pics of him.

Tough call to not try for a buck of that caliber, guess they now the situation better than I do :)
what a great thread to follow! to bad your buddy didn't kill him- What kind of buck was he after? Bigger? or just more huntable?

Great pics anyhow- thanks
Well Brett has done an awesome job on this topic. As for his buddy with that tag, well that woulda been me :) . So where do I even begin? For me this hunt started quite a few years ago. I've spent a ton of time scouting, settin up trail cams, learning new areas every year in anticipation for this hunt. For starters I never considered myself to be a bow hunter and never thought I would hunt with archery equipment but with the way Utah manages thier deer heards I figure my best chances at a buck of my dreams would be on the archery hunt unless something chagned (still waiting for that). Anyways about 4 years ago I switched from putting in for a rifle tag to putting in for the archery tag. Every year all I can think of is when will I get my chance to achive my #1 goal in life and that is to kill a buck that I am appsolutely happy and proud of.

In 2009 I had located 2 bucks that fit the criteria of the kinda buck I would love to have hanging on my wall a 200"+ non-typ and a 200"+ typical running together and a couple of younger bucks with potential in the future, but I didnt have a tag so all I could do is watch and wish. Later that year the non-typ was shot on the general rifle hunt off the road by a little kid in the middle of the day guess he was in the right place at the right time. The typical didnt show up the next year.

Im going to appologize right now for having the lack of pics from past years because my harddrive crashed a few months back and I lost all my pics but I've found some that were still on my SD cards so ill post up what I've salvaged as the story goes on.
The Non-typ 2009
The Non-typ 2009
Big Typical 2009
Big Typical 2009
Great thread guys........some great buck photos and stories.
In 2010 I went back to relocate the big typical with no luck. But I did relocate a couple bucks from 2009 that turned into a couple great bucks. One was another sweet non-typical and the other was another typical with matching inlines off his G3. The non-typical you'll recognize in this thread-

The matching inline buck had my attention more then any buck I had found all year. He wasnt wide but to me he was awesome.
Also had some sweet trail cam pics but I lost them in the HD crash

Any guesses on his score with about a 19" inside spread?
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Wow nice bucks. I would put him right around the 200" mark from what I could see.
In 2010 after relocating the non-typ and the sweet inline 5pt whom I ended up deciding to call "Packin" because he was obviously pakin some headgear i located a couple of other bucks that were pretty sweet as well but go figure I didn't have a tag for 2010.
5x5 still growing
5x5 still growing
cool cactus buck
cool cactus buck
Good typical
Good typical
a couple good typicals
a couple good typicals
Bumblebee 2010
Bumblebee 2010
30 yards away
30 yards away