Infamous Mountain Man taken into custody

The mountain man is officially done...

story here
I was relieved and happy to hear this news last night. We have a family cabin in northern Utah & even though this guy was in the southern/central parts of the state it deterred quite a handful of people from recreating at their property.

I hope those that have cabins & homes in the areas that he frequented can begin to utilize and enjoy them freely now.
HUGE deal IMO, glad they caught this punk. Great news!!
Springville Shooter
Hopefully a the legal system runs it's course and they put this guy away for a long time. What he did to the cabins was bad, but shooting at the helicopter seals the deal in my book. If he got 25 years it would be fine with me. I also don't think that he deserves the designation of a mountain man, he's just a common criminal in my book. ---------SS