Info on hunting antelope from a blind (archery)

I have an archery tag for the Parker and need some tips. I've located some good waterholes and I'm going to build my blind out of t-posts and camo netting. I'm comfortable out to 60 yards on shots where the animal is calm, etc. Do I want to cut doors in the netting, or shoot over the top or around the side? Some guys we know didn't use any scent control on their hunts, but I don't want that to blow it. How necessary is it on a hunt like this? How apt are antelope to 'jump the string'? Last, how often do you get a nice muley buck into a waterhole on the parker? I guess it depends on the location and one hole we found had a few deer around it. Thanks for your help.
i had the same tag in 06. i did fill my tag and i hunted out of a blind made of 4" pvc. with netting covering it. i shot out of a hole in the netting just big enough to fit from my sights to my stableizer. i would make sure you have a top on your blind, so your not setting in the sun all day long. i did not use any scent killer or any thing like that. they didnt seem to care they need water every day. also i had one hole in each side of the look out of and or shoot if needed. they will come in all day long every part of the day early,late,middle and all in between. cant help ya on the deer thing i did not see any deer come to the hole i was hunting.

i saw an average of 25 speed goats a day of all kinds. i hunted a full 4 days befor i killed. it is a way fun hunt,have fun and post some picks

p.s. they do jump the string .....bad, i missed 4 (clean misses) befor i got my'n. all the ones i missed were 45 to 60 yards, got my'n from 35 yards......thats just my experiance

good luck!!! :thumb
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I'd agree with hoyt - shoot through an opening in the blind
if you try to raise up to shoot over it, you'll be spotted and they'll probably spook
good luck
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I have been an avid archery antelope hunter over the past 11 years! I have been to many states either as the hunter or the camera man. on our very first hunt we built a similar bland and had bad luck with it. the goats cought movement and spooked on a regular basis. After that we started building the out of 2 1/2 sheets of thin plywood and some 1x's. We blacked out the inside and haven't had a problem since. It cost more inthe beggining but if you plan to do it more than once it is worth it. We cut the sheet long ways, two halfs for the side, two for the top. The 1x's are to brace it. You also have to dig down a couple of feet. Make sure to leave a bench of dirt to sit on! we strictly trophy hunt and prescout all water holes. After we locate a couple of bucks this way we then set up our blinds on up to 3 holes. The extras are for back up if your goat doesn't show or your hole drys up! Trust me it happens. We have killed many pope and youn goats this way including a 88" buck in wyoming last year and an 86" buck a couple years ago in wyoming. i have hunted 3 of utah's units,but never parker or else i would gladly help.
As for ducking the string i haven't had it happen yet! I hope it never does! :)
I think the people that have them jump the string are because they get excited and rush the shot. Wait until they come in and begin to actually water before drawing your bow. They often head fake the first time, so give them a minute. They will normally drink for several minutes, so don't be in too much of a hurry and they will settle down. I agree with having a top on the blind. Also, if there are cattle in the area, they will often completely destroy a blind, as will high winds in antelope country. Sometimes you have to T-post and barb wire a little fence around your blind to keep the cattle off of it. Good luck!