Information on new PSE BOW
5/1/07 11:12am
PSE X Force HF
Does anybody have one of these? I would like to see what people input about this bow is? Thanks is advance for any information.
Does anybody have one of these? I would like to see what people input about this bow is? Thanks is advance for any information.
With small/short split limbs and a large cam rotation I wonder if there may be tuning issues in the future. It had quite a shallow wall on the back which I like.
One draw back to it is it is part of PSE's "PRO-SERIES" and they have select dealers for that line.
Good luck in your search.
Such as:
Nathan Griggs shot a 300 60x at a competition shoot(forgot which one) with this bow.
Great speed for short draw archers.
You can use one pin out to 40 yards at 29" draw.
Great grip and finish, some say the best factory grip available.
Very little hand shock
The only bad thing I have heard is that is has a very small valley and will not let you creep at all, seems like it wants to pull the string out of your hands if you relax a little.