
Alright Guys I got my cast off and am able to start swimming and walking in the moon boot with the aid of crutches. The Doc tinks I should be back in regular shoes around the end of August. Do to the different pattern of my foot and size of my ankle I am going to need new insoles in all my shoes and especially my boots. I am really trying to avoid having to buy all new boots. So does anyone have any suggestions for some good supportive and durable insoles?
Glad you are making progress! There are a ton of over the counter insoles you can get, but I would suggest getting a couple of sets made up by the podiatrist. I know they are a bit more pricey but wow, what a difference they make. Best of luck! :thumb
"stillhunterman" wrote:Glad you are making progress! There are a ton of over the counter insoles you can get, but I would suggest getting a couple of sets made up by the podiatrist. I know they are a bit more pricey but wow, what a difference they make. Best of luck! :thumb
Agreed. Let your ol' Uncle Sam foot the bill (no pun intended) for some custom made insoles.
I agree with the above, but if you do want to try an OTC insole I just purchased the Cabela's "Perfekt" Replacement Footbeds by Meindl for $19.99 and so far they feel great. Glad to hear your making progress. :thumb