Interesting find, [part II]

Being an old bone hunter I spend a lot of time walking around looking for things, and every once in a while I find something. [Probably why I've never got the trophy class Muley] To much looking at the ground.

This does have a lot to do with Muley hunting, because I found this old rifle while on a combination deer and antelope hunt in North Central Montana.

I saw what looked like a rusty piece of metal, so looking closer, and scraping around in the packed gumbo I dug out what was left of a old rifle. One spent cartridge, a gold ring right next to the rifle. The rifle is cocked with a live round in the chamber. There were also a couple silver medallions.

There were two 3 ft boulders to each side of a slight depression, the rifle was at the bottom of the depression.

I've had a lot of time to think about what the story is behind this and I have a theory

I would like to hear what everyone thinks might have happened. See if someone has the same thoughts as me.

It has a octagon barrel and lever action. Near as I can tell from looking at pictures, it's a 1860's Henry Rifle." alt="" />
well i dont know. was this a rough area. was there bears in your area back then? im not really sure what might of happend. thats way cool though
Sounds to me like it was somebody was using that spot to ambush people so that he could rob them. I think that you found that stuff that way is because he picked on the wrong people and either got ran off or chased down and killed. That's an awsome find. Do you know where that spot is still? It would be neat to take a metal detector there and see if there is any thing else lying around.
o and weres part 1
AWESOME FIND WAYNE!!! That is WAY too cool!

The first thing that I thought of was some settler, trapper, etc that got into a scrape with one of the many tribes that roamed that region (Blackfoot maybe?) and came out on the loosing end. Of course, this is strickly speculation and probably a bi-product of too many Louis L'amour novels but it's cool to think of all the possibilities.

You know, it wasn't uncommon for folks roaming those hills in the early days to keep a ready firearm stashed in a place or two in the event that they had to "run" at the last minute too. That doesn't explain the ring and silver but just a thought.
Dad Gum thats sweet. I wonder why it has the ring with it? Didn't find any bones? Throw up a pic of the ring and medallions. Awesome find. Lucky Duck. 1 ring 1 empty shell 1 live shell 1 gun and medallions?

He was obviously showing his skills off to his friends by shooting bullets through his ring and winning medallions for doing so when he was called home to dinner and left the evidence behind so he would not have to tell his wife that he was shooting at his wedding ring again?
"bigbuck92" wrote:well i dont know. was this a rough area. was there bears in your area back then? im not really sure what might of happend. thats way cool though
This is rolling sagebrush country, rough badlands about 1/2 mile.
Yeah there were griz in the area in the 1860's, lots of angry Indians, and still millions of buffalo.
well then thats what im thinkin then either a bunch of ticked off indians got the guy or a bear. but if there was a bear. weres the bones
"bigbuck92" wrote:well then thats what im thinkin then either a bunch of ticked off indians got the guy or a bear. but if there was a bear. weres the bones
Even in that dry country I doubt if bones would last more than ten, max twenty years, unless buried without oxygen. This is probably 120-130 years ago..

Lot's of good comments, let's hear more. :what-do-u-think
First image that came to my mind was when Robert Redford came upon the old and frozen trapper in "Jeremiah Johnson". Except you came upon what was left 150 years later instead of a month or two after the bear got him.
i have no idea what may of happened but nice find
The Ox
wow thats awesome im thinkin the bear story possibly who knows what would have drug bones off all those years. i have a hard time beleiveing someone killed him and left all that stuff. unless he was wounded and just hid right there and died and they never found him. thats always been my dream to find something like that
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that is cool!!! lil bit of history!!!
The 2 rocks on either side of him could have been a nice natural grave.

Maybe he was buried in between the two rocks and covered with dirt.

Or maybe he was hit and wounded and crawled in between the rocks for safety from further injury, only to die there and not make it out.

Maybe the weapon etc., was stolen and hid there to never be found again until you discoverd it.

Did you escavate further to look for further items?

Think the Indians must have got him myself.
you should try bringin a medal detecor to the area and see what you can find
I don't know if I could find the spot again. It was a while back. I scraped around a quite a bit, with a good size fork muley shed :) Still got the fork horn. :thumb . Thought about a metal detector, but of course all metal would be rusted away, look whats left of the gun. Smaller metal pieces like buckles, boot parts, and smaller pieces would be long gone. Maybe some gold or silver coins may be found.

Ready for my thoughts on what happened? :what-do-u-think
yep ready
I'm ready! zzz :))
hit it,doc!
Throw it at us Wayne!
Nah I want to keep waiting. I'm allready looking forward to the draw in our state so that is enough for me. Can you wait till the first of May? then I'll be ready for your thoughts on this subject. (@@)


Soon please. [-o<
First of all I'm a History nut, so coming across the old rifle is right down my alley. =D>

Not a Griz, the round in the chamber would have been fired. I believe the hunter would have got off the last shot. I found the ring right next to the rifle, so I'm sure he died clutching the gun.

This is what I think is the story. :-k

About 1870;

A lone Buffalo hunter in pursuit of the last of the great herds was attacked by a small group of Indians. Maybe Blackfeet or a marauding band from Canada. They were mostly after the hunters horses and supplies but especially that lever action rifle. There were a few around and would be strong medicine in the war against the Blue coats.

The Indians took the horses and supplies with little trouble wounding the white man with what would be fatal. The hunter abandoned the horses to seek cover by the boulders. The Indians tried several times to approach the hunter but each time with expert marksmanship wounded or killing one or two. The Indians not being foolish knew the risk to be to great, then left the area to tend to their dead or wounded.

How :lame is that :-k
I like it! Sounds a lot like what I thought might have happened (I'm a bit of a western history buff too Wayne).

Ultimately, it's all conjecture...but it's a lot of fun thinking about what "might" have happened.
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You said there was a casing with the rifle. Does it have any markings? Can you tell the caliber? It looks very similar to a Winchester model 1873 that we have. Incredible find, there must be something more there, teeth maybe? Other pieces of metal? It would be cool to go back and look.
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Could you post some more pics of the rifle?
no no no, you guys got it all wrong!

he was out hiking around looking for sheds.....
when he slipped and got his hand stuck in between two rocks!
after days of pain and drinking urine he tried to cut off his arm, but alas, the blade was too dull and he died!
I was wondering about the rifle Wayne,Henrys had alot of brass on em and I dont think it would be as badly corroded,Im no expert I would just like to know what it is,there has to be someone over on GBO that would be able to ID it at a glancs in the cowboy section,post a pic over there and get the facts!The model of the rifle will help you piinpoint a possible date as well.As for the ring can you clean it and look for an inscription?My Grandfather and his brother found several old trading muskets that had been stashed in a hollow tree when they were kids,I wish he had kept those!
By looking at pics of 1860's henry's rifles, as near as I can tell is a octagon barrel lever action Henry's. But as you can see the rifle is badly corroded.

You know about 99% of all Western history is lost. Few explorers and hunters kept journals. Or could even write for that matter. Those that could write could not keep paper dry or preserved for often years at a time and records were lost. So we can only theorize on the facts we know or can imagine. :thumb