Internal Deodorant Pill
7/24/10 5:58am
I decided to try this Internal Deodorant Pill by Sportsmen's Edge. I know how "ripe" things can get after a week in the backcountry. So if this pill actually works I figure it would be worth the $15 for a months supply. The part under "Important Information" had me worried, 'you may notice a mild laxative effect...if cramping and diarrhea occurs, reduce dosage'. :>/ (???) ](*,) That's the last thing a person wants miles from any facility, or having that elk coming in and...ooops, got to go, see you later! ](*,) So far I've had some mild cramping but I've only been taking for three days now. I also have noticed a reduction in odor at the end of a long work day. :thumb Just wondering if anyone else has used this product and what their opinion is on it?
It is cool that they seem to work but I agree with MM as well.