Is this even considered Hunting??
10/15/08 7:00am
Very Questionable in my opinion. Was there a Hunt involved?
Pointless = YES also IMO.
All for show to me.
Please tell me you guys don't hunt with high powered rifles, cuz that ain't huntin!
Rule out compound bows, aluminum or graphite arrows, machine manufactured bows....hmmm perhaps bows present an unfair advantage to animals that can't fight back!
Of course it IS hunting. OK, it isn't your way so don't hunt that way.
I'm sure you guys don't use 4 wheel drive vehicles to get into remote areas either...since REAL hunters don't!
I once had a hunter that would not shoot a cow elk standing in the middle of a 2 track at 300 yrds he had a 30-06 that was very capable of making the shot and did when I used it to shoot the elk. he was not wrong for not taking the shot , he had never shot over 100 yrds in his life.
I've seen guys with laptops and min weather stations so they can have all the data they need to make shot's.
Is it hunting? Yes
Is it a type of hunting I'd like?
No, getting close is as much of the hunt as dropping the game to me.
As NONYA said you need to Know more about it before you put it down,
But you are right about most people not being able to shoot.
Little Story—
Went to the Range with New Barrel for TC (7mm-08) person next to me shooting at the 50 yd line was able to hit black (4” black). He was happy with that and then tried the 500M steel plates. Sighted in the new barrel, 4 shots. Person next to me having a hard time with the steel, I talked with him during the break and told him how to hit the plates, he keep trying about 20 shots. So I tried 12-15 MPH cross wind. I help 1 mil over, 1.5 left hit just under. Made adjustment 1.5 mil over, 1.5 left dead center, repeated the shot 2 more times. If you practice a lot and know your weapon you can make the shots.
Practice often
The point I am making is that if
Do you even support and belong to the NRA and a local hunting and/or shooting club?
( Incidentally I quit bow hunting twice in my life, not because I didnt like it, but I twice grew sooo weary of bow HUNTERS.)
Due to the PREPARATION a Long Range Hunter undertakes to Make a Shot like that, it IS Most
Definitely Hunting.
Dictionary term: Hunting,
To chase or search for (game or other wild animals) for the Purpose of catching or killing for food and/or sport. The act or Practice of Hunting Game.
Is it hunting when a guy shoots (maybe) one box of ammo from the bench only, then goes into
the woods and "jump shoots" running game? The potential for wounding game in this scenario
is FAR GREATER than a guy that shoots 50-100 rounds from the bench and Field Positions, who
takes into account and knows his Rifle, the Bullet he's shooting, the Field Conditions at the time
of the shot (Temp, Wind, Elevation, Humidity, etc.)
I would say that the Long Range Hunter ( who Properly Prepares) IS Exercising MORE Responsibility in PREPARATION for his hunt than the average hunter!! Will misses and wounding
occur in long range hunting? YES!! True, they don't show the "train wrecks", BUT Neither Do the
Regular Range Hunters or the "Jump Shooters" on their hunting shows!
Also, we Don't Know that the guy in the video doesn't have the ability to Stalk into Point-Blank
Range ( to Please the Hunters who Only hunt this way). Take a Coues Deer Hunt in Mexico for example, costing Thousands of Dollars. You had Better "BE PREPARED" (Scout Motto) to shoot
effectively 300 to 500+ Yards for those "cross canyon" shots that will More than likely present
itself to the hunter, Or be ready to tell the story of the $4000.00 Sight-seeing trip you enjoyed so much...
PREPARATION for the LongRange Hunter as well as the ShortRange Hunter should be the Deciding Factor if the Shot was Good or Not.
Please excuse the Long Range Post, but that is One of the ways I like to Hunt!!
Here is a link to learning how to Prepare for shots like these, should you decice the situation
calls for such a shot...
Anywho just my opinion but I could agree with both sides. It might not be hunting if it is just some idiot who hasn't practiced and got lucky and it could be if he has put in 100's of hours preparing for that shot. Again just my humble opinion.
So many areas are not set up for shots more than 100 yards. If I am in an area like that, I adapt to the area and hunt at close range. However, I enjoy the long range shots if I can get into an area that offers such a shot. I for one will not steal your animal if I see you stalking it...That WOULD be an ethics issue. If you practice the shots, you can make them. If you don't practice....don't try it.
I have a friend that likes hog liver..I don't like hog liver. Is he actually eating the liver? I guess he can't be because I don't like it :-k
why isnt it hunting? are you guys jealous you cant make that shot or what? long range shooting takes practice and skill! this is way more hunting than any high fence game raches people go to and its supposedly hunting.
wel i dunnol maybe for him shooting 1000 yrd shots are more challenging. and so your also sayin if an animal is bedded you wont shoot it? how is that in any form cheating or different if it were standing up eating?