Is this thing real?
8/5/06 11:14pm
I recieved these pics in an email a while back. It said that this buck was harvested in Mexico and is a pending world record muley. The buck is so big that the pics almost look like they were altered with an editing prgram such as Photoshop. Has anybody seen these this buck before or know anything about him? Do you guys think they are real? I'm not sure... " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />

It was taken by a fella named Jason Gisi in January of 2005. It IS the new Safari Club International (SCI) World Record Typical. It is NOT however, the new B&C record. The Burris Buck is still the king of the block.
This buck scored 221 3/8 SCI typical points and was 35-inches wide! However, under the B&C scoring system, this buck scored 215 gross and 206 3/8 net typical B&C points.
The difference in the scoring systems, and if I am wrong I am sure that someone out there will be able to correct me, is that SCI does NOT take points off for lack of symmetry. SCI also will accept animals from high-fenced hunts and as we all know, B&C does NOT (Thanks god too!).
With that being said, this buck was taken using fair chase methods and was not taken on a high-fenced hunt (That's what I have read anyway). Just wanted to make sure that noone got the wrong idea.
Either way, this buck is BIG and the guy should be EXTREMELY proud!
The buck on this post is magnificent...I've head the same story on the buck....And yes, from my understanding that is the diff. between SCI and B&C. He' s still a friggin awesome buck!
All I remeber is that it was taken in Sonora.
New SCI world record Typical for Desert and Mountain Muleys. The Gross was 221 3/8 BC and the net was 206 3/8 BC.