It's getting close boys!
7/14/09 4:20pm
I'm starting to get really ramped up for hunting season. It's not far away now. It's like back when I was 8 years old waiting for Christmas to come. It's a good thing that the old man introduced me to hunting, kinda took the place of Santa once I found out Santa was my old man. Anyway, I'm looking at this forum too often with few new topics, everybody is outside scouting or practicing with the bow while I am here sitting behind this computer.
Well boys, keep practicing 'cause Christmas morning is a'coming!!! :thumb
Well boys, keep practicing 'cause Christmas morning is a'coming!!! :thumb
Hope I can cash in some karma chips on this one. [-o< xcrossx 4c
Yes, bowhunters are athletes.
LMAO! :)) It's been a hot one here also....
I cant wait for the hunt my dad drew the combow tag for antalope and deer on the plateau.
it is getin close now
The first couple shots were really painful, but then the shoulder seemed to loosen up and it actually feels better after being worked. I've lost 20 yards off of my effective range, but I'm sure I'll get that back in the next 3 weeks...2 sets of 20 arrows each day, one in the morning and one in the evening...sure prescription for a dead buck!
No, he is actually. And I am him!
Three weeks and counting... The bow is feeling really good these days. My 50 & 60 yard shots finally feel comfortable, and I know what you are all saying about shooting at long distances and then coming back to 30 or 40 and that being real easy. I love it. It's amazing the difference I have had with both my groupings and distances since switching from a Whisker Biscuit to a Rip Cord. I had to move all of my pins up, pretty cool!
Anyway, still chomping at the bit. Bowhunting is AWESOME!!!!
:arrow <--------) ****banana 10sign: 10sign: (My son loves smileys!)
=D> =D> =D>
Good Luck I am waiting for pics....
Haaaa, thanks Dave got your message, but my phone went down and ate all my numbers...Give me a call again when you get a chance...
When you heading out? ..........thought you'd have one down already. :)