It's getting close boys!

I'm starting to get really ramped up for hunting season. It's not far away now. It's like back when I was 8 years old waiting for Christmas to come. It's a good thing that the old man introduced me to hunting, kinda took the place of Santa once I found out Santa was my old man. Anyway, I'm looking at this forum too often with few new topics, everybody is outside scouting or practicing with the bow while I am here sitting behind this computer.

Well boys, keep practicing 'cause Christmas morning is a'coming!!! :thumb
Yes it is... :thumb
YEEEEEAH! I cant wait, so excited!
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Even though the temperature is triple digits I keep plunking arrows into the targets dreaming of cooler places. :thumb
Kemo Sabe
I was getting pumped, but now I'm a little worried. I hurt my shoulder in an ATV mishap while hunting elk last winter. It healed up and everything was okay. But I was hauling a bunch of yard trash to the dump for my mother yesterday, including a 300 lb. tree stump. Well, as I was pulling it off the back of the truck, I reinjured myself. I went out to practice today only to find that I can't draw my bow. I cranked it down to it's minimum draw weight and I still can't draw it.

Hope I can cash in some karma chips on this one. [-o< xcrossx 4c

Yes, bowhunters are athletes.
"Kemo Sabe" wrote:I was getting pumped, but now I'm a little worried. I hurt my shoulder in an ATV mishap while hunting elk last winter. It healed up and everything was okay. But I was hauling a bunch of yard trash to the dump for my mother yesterday, including a 300 lb. tree stump. Well, as I was pulling it off the back of the truck, I reinjured myself. I went out to practice today only to find that I can't draw my bow. I cranked it down to it's minimum draw weight and I still can't draw it.

Hope I can cash in some karma chips on this one. [-o< xcrossx 4c

Yes, bowhunters are athletes.
Bad news man! l have a home remedy for sore muscles. joints, etc... that helps it heal faster. l know it works because l just pulled a hammy in a softball tourney in St. George last weekend and it is almost as good as new. Try picking up some pure wintergreen oil and grape seed oil or coconut oil. Put about a dime size amount of the grape seed/ coconut oil in your plam and about 5 drops of wintergreen oil and rub it where it is sore. Yes you will smell like chewing gum, and yes it sounds funny, but yes it does work. Especially with a few weeks to go , you will be golden. :thumb
"m gardner" wrote:Even though the temperature is triple digits I keep plunking arrows into the targets dreaming of cooler places. :thumb
Damn, tell me! Just shot this evening and it was still in the 90's.... #-o
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I can't wait for the season to start. I have been shooting since May and I am shooting bullets. Good luck to all of you and I hope your shoulder heals up soon.
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I'm pretty pumped but a bit nervous because I am trying a few new backpacking areas this year and I have not had any time to scout yet. Once I finish my house at the end of the month I think I am going to take some serious time off work and enjoy the mountains. Not setting expectations too high becasue of the new wilderness areas though.
It sure is getting close!!! I have been going to therapy for my wrist shoulder and ankle 3 times a weeks since I got hurt. I am up to 85% on my ankle, 90% with my shoulder, and 70% with my wrist. Still a no go for archery but I'll still be able to hit the Muzzle Loader and rifle hunt here in NC and the Rifle hunts in Utah. I am stoked and working hard to get to 100% before I head home in October.
Kemo Sabe
"PhillyB" wrote:l have a home remedy for sore muscles. joints, etc... that helps it heal faster...Especially with a few weeks to go , you will be golden. :thumb
Thanks for that, PhillyB!
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Month come Saturday, can't wait! I'm pumped, I've really started to feel the itch to get out.
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Is it too soon to have my pack 100% ready to go for four days in the back country? Cause after packing and repacking and wieghing it 4 times this month it is. Come on September!
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It was 106 degrees last evening at the archery range and that's at 7:00 pm. I can't wait to let the cool breezes of the high country run over my french fried wrinkly old body! :))
"m gardner" wrote:It was 106 degrees last evening at the archery range and that's at 7:00 pm. I can't wait to let the cool breezes of the high country run over my french fried wrinkly old body! :))

LMAO! :)) It's been a hot one here also....
big game bowhunter
i 'am new here but have been geting on for a while away i love the site .
I cant wait for the hunt my dad drew the combow tag for antalope and deer on the plateau.
it is getin close now
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Santa's not real???
Kemo Sabe
I can draw my bow again! :thumb

The first couple shots were really painful, but then the shoulder seemed to loosen up and it actually feels better after being worked. I've lost 20 yards off of my effective range, but I'm sure I'll get that back in the next 3 weeks...2 sets of 20 arrows each day, one in the morning and one in the evening...sure prescription for a dead buck!
"Kemo Sabe" wrote:I can draw my bow again! :thumb
Congrats on the recovery! Hope your season goes well now so you cant show us what you end up taking. Best of luck too....

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"jerseyelknut" wrote:Santa's not real???

No, he is actually. And I am him!

Three weeks and counting... The bow is feeling really good these days. My 50 & 60 yard shots finally feel comfortable, and I know what you are all saying about shooting at long distances and then coming back to 30 or 40 and that being real easy. I love it. It's amazing the difference I have had with both my groupings and distances since switching from a Whisker Biscuit to a Rip Cord. I had to move all of my pins up, pretty cool!

Anyway, still chomping at the bit. Bowhunting is AWESOME!!!!

:arrow <--------) ****banana 10sign: 10sign: (My son loves smileys!)
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:thumb I'm so ready!
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Now I am thinking... There is a lot to do!!! 9 DAYS and counting!

=D> =D> =D>
Soon, very very soon!
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Ike, We want pics.

Good Luck I am waiting for pics....
"dmc" wrote:Ike, We want pics.

Good Luck I am waiting for pics....

Haaaa, thanks Dave got your message, but my phone went down and ate all my numbers...Give me a call again when you get a chance...
Yep getting ready to go tomorrow for my first time ever archery hunting! cant wait!
I will be checking out to the mountains on Thursday and will be up for 9 days... Sorry if i made you jealous, I am stoked!!?!?! Hopefully, I will be coming home with a deer, and elk... :thumb

When you heading out? ..........thought you'd have one down already. :)
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It is coming up, this weekend in fact I am pumped up, even though this year im not archery hunting. We drew out on a limited entry hunt, but a couple of my brothers are archery hunting so I will be up there being the drag along guy to do the dirty work, but I am confident we will get a couple nice ones this year. We have them mapped out nicely so hopfully this will be the year for my brothers.