Items found at Flaming Gorge
2/23/09 11:45pm
A coworker of mine was up at Flaming Gorge fishing on Feb. 21st. and found a green box back where the trucks were parked on his way out. He was fishing in the Fire Hole area and left at about 11:00 P.M. In the box is a camera, an inhaler, and a bottle of pills.
Sending this out in the hopes that we can find the owner of these items and get them back to them. If any of you hear about somebody losing these things then shoot me a P.M. and describe the items (like camera make and what pictures are on it and what kind of pills are in the bottle and I will give you the contact info for the person that found them.
Hope that this works out.
Sending this out in the hopes that we can find the owner of these items and get them back to them. If any of you hear about somebody losing these things then shoot me a P.M. and describe the items (like camera make and what pictures are on it and what kind of pills are in the bottle and I will give you the contact info for the person that found them.
Hope that this works out.

2/24/09 6:41pm
camera: a silver one and in the bottle was my Viagra :)) :)) jk but ill ask around and see if any of the people i know have lost a box.

3/1/09 12:09pm