jerky recipes

Hey who has some good recipes for jerky?
I got a sweet one, will post soon.
Here ya go...will be using this one soon and is my favorite so far.
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I just use "High Mountain", you can buy it in just about any supermarket in i think 6 flavors.
It's fairly cheap and makes fantastic jerky :thumb
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i'ed tell ya but then i'ed have to kill ya :333 :1 :)) i just through a buch of things together and then dehidrate it
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There are a lot of good recipes out there and limitless techniques. Here is the most simple and excellent recipe for venison jerky that I have found.

Use 1/4 cup of Morton Smoke Flavored Sugar Cure per 5 lbs of sliced meat. Add pepper or other flavor as desired. I use two large plastic bowls to mix in the dry mix evenly through the 5 pound meat batch. There is no need to add any fluids, nor do you need to let sit in the fridge overnight. Apply the dry mix and you're ready to load onto smoker. I use either apple or hickory chips.

Try it, I think you will be pleased. By the way, the morton meat cure works exceptional as a dry brine for fish (salmon especially). Be aware however, that it is very easy to oversalt meat due to the concentration of morton's product. Enjoy.
thanx everyone that replied I'll have to try these. I have been doing hi mountain but want to try some others also. thanks.