Jim Zumbo on tv tonight
10/6/08 8:39pm
I was just watching a show on tv tonight with Jim Zumbo. He is hunting moose in the Yukon. He was talking about a monster wolf track. I just thought it was funny that the track had 5 toes! Obviously the wolf had stepped in is own track with a hind foot. I thought Jim was an Old Time Pro hunter! What a dope! I hope he doesn't shoot a caribou thinking it's a moose! J/K
You can go down a very long list from polititions, preachers, teachers, writers, ect that have opened thier mouths and stuck thier foot in it.
Very few of the Black guns are even legal to hunt big game in Wyo. and in a culture were accuratise is so high on the list for hunting coyotoes and pairie dogs the aveage guy would not think about them as being useful.
Uncle Sam was nice enought to let me fire alot of black guns, there'er fun to shoot but I cann't see hunting with them, myself I still have a 22-250 that I keep around just for coyotoes and pairie dogs and I'll fire 1 round at a time.
Yep I'm a PC hunter!
Sounds like your hanging with the wrong people.