John Lee
6/5/06 8:27am

6/7/06 10:24am
Man nice wolf, was it a big male? how much did it weigh and what part of BC did you shoot it in? awesome job, thats going to be a good fur to add to the collection, congrats

6/7/06 7:50pm
Thanks Ben,when we were out bear hunting north of Fort ST John when a pack of wolves ran out there were three of them.I shot 2 of them this black wolf and a grey one.We never did weigh them, the black wolf was a big female and the grey was a bit bigger than this one.

6/8/06 2:03pm
Wow man that is really cool, I would love to kill a wolf especially two, keep up the good work. So what are your plans for the furs? also do you have any pictures of the other one as well and were you alone? I am from oregon and the closest thing we have are cougars. I have seen a lot of pictures on this website of some of the animals that you have taken, how many animals have you now taken; deer, elk, moose, bear, wolf and so on. anyways congrats on an awesome trophy, doesn't seem like many people get wolves so keep it up before they move down here in oregon. Ben

6/8/06 5:44pm
After we took the pictures of this wolf the camera battery died and we were in a remote location so there was no power or anything to charge it.I will get the hides tanned and the black wolf probably made into a rug(with a head piece).I was with my dad when i shot the wolves.For species of animals i have taken various numbers of deer,bears,elk,moose,coyotes,wolves and other game birds.I have been hunting since i was 10 and going along since i was a baby.

6/8/06 6:09pm
alright I hate to keep bugging you but that is going to be really cool to have those wolves done up. I was just curious how old you are from hunting since ten. I know BC has a ton of game species and a lot of tags, I was just curious how many of each? Down here we don't get nearly as much so I have only been fortunate enough for 1 elk and 5 bucks, one blacktail and 4 mulies, also 3 coyotes and a big turkey but one of these days I will get more stuff. also were those your first wolves? I have heard they are really smart and tough to hunt, what do you think?

6/8/06 7:09pm
I am 15 now.In a season i usally get 2 bears 2 Muledeer an elk or a moose and coyotes varie.yes Those were my first wolves.Yes wolves are smart and usally you dont see them very often where we hunt, there are alot of them but they usally seem to remain unseen.

1/30/07 8:30am
thats a nice wolf, it kind of looks like my dog., just kidding

3/3/08 10:55am
nice wolf i wish that i could get 1 that color but no luck yet but ill keep tryin. Anyway i just wanted u 2 know that is a heck of a wolf. CONGRATS!!