Judge awards family $1.9M in 2007 bear attack that killed bo

Judge awards family $1.9M in 2007 bear attack that killed boy

Tragic... certainly. I would be devastated if that would have been my son.
However, they broke the first rule of camping in bear country... food in the tent. That fact alone, in my opinion they shouldn't have gotten a penny.
They say that the ruling won't bring their son back, but I guess $1.9M cool in taxpayer cash will. At least I know where my tag & license fees will be going with the DWR being saddled with 25% of the blame.
It's just more proof that no matter how stupid, foolish, and/or costly my actions, I can always find somebody else to blame.

I realize this probably sounds harsh... but I could go on.

It is sad that it is up to the Fish and Wildlife to "warn" campers there are bears in the area. The bears arent new to the area.

If anyone is at fault it should be the parents.
I could understand this all if they donated the money to a bear awarness program to help other people.
Only my second post here so I hope I don't blow my chances to find some great mule deer hunting info by disagreeing with you.

The article says that a man had been attacked in the same campground on the same day. The state agencies looked for the bear but couldn't find it.

So being in the area of the campground they couldn't stop and warn the remaining campers of the situation? Doesnt' make sense.

There is a difference in being in bear country and being in the vicinity of a bear that has attacked a person. (rare as it is, it is something that should be warned)

Maybe the parents would have did a little more to inspect their kids sleeping area or had another conversation with them if they had those little details.

I live and hunt in bear country...and for bears for that matter....but I also know how kids are and how they can and do decieve there gaurdians from time to time. A wrapper and a coke can doesn't sound like they had dinner in the tent sounds like a kid sneaking a snack.

Oh yeh, I think there are stupid cases tried everyday, ones in which the plaintiff and the lawyers should be fined just for bringing them to the system and wasting everyone's time. This isn't one of the though......

And of course that is just my two cents...
If it's the same one I'm thinking about, they wounded the Bear the day before and didn't tell anyone. That would put blame on the DWR. It's still tragic nonetheless. I just can't imagine that happening to my kids. I would've killed the Bear myself.
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Being that the powers that be, or their represenative agents, knew there was a bear in the area that was a "problem" they had a duty to warn the campers in the area I think.

With that said, one should never go in to bear country without expecting, or being prepared for, an encounter with a bruin. Years ago we would've called this tragic and then moved on. Now, people sue everybody at the drop of a hat.

The money and judgement aside I do believe because of the attack in the campground that day that the campers should have been warned.

Very tragic.