Just a few pics

http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/filesfromphotodisk517.jpg" alt="" />
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/filesfromphotodisk528.jpg" alt="" />
These camps are all out in the bookcliffs, We hunted out their more than 30yrs. That is until Utah, did it's usual crap and made it a draw area, we had a ridge nearly 15 miles long, 3 miles wide and we were the only group on it, talk about OVER hunting, idiot Division of Wildlife Ser. Sorry, can you tell I'm upset.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/DadsMuley.jpg" alt="" />
Dad took the Mule Deer on opening morning with it snowing (2'), chained all 4's, saw muley just about 200yds off trail, he shot it, about that time a fellow got up out of the snow (sleeping bag), said, I've been waiting for that deer all night. Too bad.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/picsfrombasementgunroom013-1.jpg" alt="" />
My reloading room, It's taken me since 1974 to get it in shape, th way I want it.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/Savagetarget16inchdiameter.jpg" alt="" />
The above group was shot out of my Savage 12FLV in 308win, just a few mods, tactical bolt, Choate stock, Leupold 6.5-20x50mm w/varmint reticle, it's 0.16" dia., I'm blind in one eye, this is the best group I've ever shot. Trigger was set at 1 1/2 lbs. All of the Muley's have been taken with my Rem. 700LH in .270win.

I'm not to good at posting pics, try to do better next time.
sweet pics
I realize now that these aren't "trail" pics. I should have posted them in another place on the forum. I'll try and pic out some trail pics and post them, I bow hunted for about 15yrs, but my problems (back surgery, fusion, neurophathy "pain" in my legs and feet) have stopped me from doing much walking. Even a few yards is hard now days. But be that as it is, I will never stop hunting or fishing, not as long as I can take a breath.

Just a Young buck near "Potters Pond" on bow hunt

http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/deer-potters.jpg" alt="" />
The Ox
cool pics thanks for sharing
Great pics, thanks for sharing!

moved it to the "Campfire" forum for you...since hey your are around a campfire. :)
great pics. Thanks for sharing, and welcome to the madness.
Default Avatar
Nice Dillon! :thumb
how often do oyu come out here. when was the last time you drew for the books
Deserthunter, I love those old photos! :thumb

Thanks for posting them and Welcome to Muley Madness. :)
Big Buck 92 -- I lived in Vernal for about 10yrs, that's a different story. I was in the Oil Fields as an engineer. I drove into the Bookcliffs most every day that I lived there, many days as far as PR Springs. Hunted most days, my job didn't usually take to much time. It might have been coyotes, bunnies, PD's (before the ban), deer, elk. I had the best of both worlds.
I moved to Evanston and still managed a total of 2-3 wks a year in the "cliffs". Made me a little mad, Evanston was 4 miles into Wy. and had to buy an out of state Utah license each yr.. Oh well got to hunt Wy.

Later I moved back to SLC and was only able to get out their 3-4 times a year. Less lately, back problems, etc. I think this year we'll plan a trip out to shoot some bunnies and maybe even to camp in one of the canyons near PR or above.

The last time I drew out for anything was a "cow" elk in 96' I have put in for both Elk and Deer for many years now and haven't drawn a thing. All of the group we went deer hunting with, some 35 or so people, about 15 licenses, have stopped hunting altogether. Each year the tracks into the old camp get harder to see. It's very very sad.
o i see. maybe you know my pops. he used to work in the oilfield out there 10 0r so years ago. his names kelly lunceford
Bigbuck92 -- The name doesn't ring a bell, who did he work for? I don't remember a lot of people from that period, I had a small child pass away from cancer and went through a divorce. Was kind of lost for a few years. Moved to Evanston in 77', I think.

On a happier note, when was the last time you drew out? Do you manage to get out their hunting other times. I also loved to dove hunt and "Little Mountain" had a few old corals with some dead Cottonwood trees around them. It was hard not to get a limit in 10-15mins. Before it was a "Draw" area, the Bookcliffs area I hunted gave me a nice 3 or 4 point every year since 1966. Like I say, I was very lucky. When I said I drew out for a Cow elk, actually, I drew out for 2 in a row, freezer was full for a few years. But I'd give it all up for just one more "Deer" hunt out their.
nah i was still in diapers when it went back to draw. he worked for flit back then. so i take it you werent working in the oilfields in the 90's. you probaly dont know him then
gotta love the dillon machinery, best there is!
It took me many years of telling my wife how much time I would save by using the Dillon equip.....Time that could be spent doing "Honey dooooo's".

I'm just now getting it up and running, lots of adjustments to make, lots of buttons, screws, bells and whistles.... Almost to many for this old man....

I can't tell you how many thousands of rounds have been loaded thru the little green machine to the right of the Dillon. 9mm, 38spl., .357mag, 40S&W, 30 carbine, 44mag, 22-250, 22-250AI, 270win and 270AI, .243win., 7mm Mag., .308win., 30:06, 300 Weatherby. So you see, it doesn't take the dillon to have a lot of fun......

I've worked hard to get the room the way I want it. It was just carpeted, my feet can't take the cement, re-painted, bench reinforced for the Dillon, the list goes on and on. I bought the Dillon, mainly because I can't get out as often (in the Desert, etc.) as I used to be able to. So going thru 3-400 rounds of pistol ammo in the afternoon keeps me happy.

By the way, my wife says I'm not spending anymore time with her.......
I get in such a "trans" when reloading, that low powder sensor makes me jump right outta my skin!!!! scares the livin daylights outts me!!!!

I have the shotgun press too.....with the auto case feeder and all.... dont know how i lived without it!
There's not enough room in this room for the Shotgun reloading equipment, it's in another room. Been around for awhile. It's a Size-O-Matic model 800B 12Ga.
For many many years Dad had a membership to the Ambasador Club (Irvine Ranch) north and west of the SLC airport. From the time I was 12yrs old till last year, when Dad passed away, I hunted with him many times a year. Several years ago he signed it over to me, I took my trailer out to the club and stayed out their a lot. Dad told me he would leave it to me, however, something happened and he sold it just before he passed away. I can't tell you how much I miss it and HIM.
your last name wouldnt by chance be richards would it?
Sorry, It's not. Why do you ask?
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/filesfromphotodisk516.jpg" alt="" /> Another shot of the "Our Camp" on the "Ridge" in the Bookcliffs. You can see, we don't exactly modify the land, you can hardly tell each year where are camp is. We're careful not to disturb the land to much.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/filesfromphotodisk388.jpg" alt="" /> This is my "Roughing" is rig. Now that I've gotten older and have a wife the same way, we like "Roughing" it this way.
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/Seandoingwhathelikesbest.jpg" alt="" />
This is my oldest Son, doing what he likes best. He has a large collection of older rifles, mostly in small calibers, some as small as .17AH. He lives in Muncie IN. now and they can't use high powered rifles to hunt with, so he's adapted. He also loves beautiful wood on his rifles, the one in the picture is a 204 falling block w/ Unertil scope, (spelling on Unertil might be wrong)

http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u204/desertvarmint/filesfromphotodisk391.jpg" alt="" />By the way, how would you like to hunt with these 10 cal's?
I knew a richards that hunted ambassador....

interesting ammo!
wow i never even knew there was such a thing! very interesting
bigbuck92 There are a number of "West Side Duck Clubs" in the State of Utah. Other places too.

This club has approx. 100 members, they each buy a membership, (very very expensive) if you have 15-20k laying around, ask them if there is any membership available. Then their is the dues each year and in addition their are the improvements that can be assessed as needed. Not an inexpensive deal.....

For you $$$ you have access to thousands of acres of marsh land that is very well managed, water master regulates the flow of water thru the area. You are not allowed to drive anywhere except on designated roads. There are more than 100 well taken care of blinds set in advantageous areas of the marsh, some better than others, but all good. A nice club house (actually an old ranch house) that has been taken care of very well. Opening morning was always special to me. You had to put the decoys out in the dark and be in your blind and quiet well before dawn. If you were guilty of shooting before the opening min. you could lose your hunting privileges for the season or for that mater, any infraction, including shooting more than your limit, a duck that you we not supposed to shot (species).

It was a very nice place to meet and keep friends and to hunt.