Just a update for my friends at MM

Hey guys and gals,

I finally got a few moments so I decided to give ya all a brief update and share a few pics of the dust storm we enjoyed today.

Well, as most of you that keep up on current events already know, things have gotten a bit more exciting here recently...and have kept me pretty busy. Not that I am complaining becuase it sure makes the time fly by a bit faster. However, when your days sometimes extend into the 30 hr mark it sure can wear ya down a bit.

I'm rollin' along just fine though and actually heard that my replacement will be out here around mid-july. That means that I should be stateside around the first week of August. Light at the end of the tunnel, my friends!

Anway, I sure can't wait to get back and do some huntin, fishin, and hikin...and most importantly, see the family again!

Take care everyone and I'll be back in the hills with ya all here shortly. Again, I've attached a few pics of the dust storm we enjoyed today (man, I hate these storms! The dust gets into EVERYTHING!).

YUP! I finally broke the camera out after two months in country!

Until I get another chance to check in....HAWK
Hawk, Great to hear from you and Thanks for the update. We appreciate all you are doing for us and the world. =D> salxxute
ALWAYS a pleasure to hear from HAWK! Thanks for checking in and the update, really amazing photos also.
Those sand storms are crazy.

THANKS HAWK!! 10sign:
glad to see your staying safe. those storms look pretty wild! there sure has been a few topics around here that could've used an AGChawk research!! thanks for the update and stay safe---KB
Glad to hear that you are doing good. :thumb

Man those storms do look crazy. I was just wondering how long they last each time they blow in. :-k
Glad to hear you are safe over there. I've been paying attention to current situation over there and know it's no fun for anyone. Make sure you take your four days when you get it. I didn't and paid for it as I got burned out around the five month mark. Ended up taking a whole day off the entire time I was there. God speed and stay safe.
good to hear you're doing fine, best of luck to ya out there, and stay out of the dust
Dang Hawk.....looks like you're living in a huge sand blasting machine......no smiling and talking outside....might take the enamel right off! lol Good to hear there's light at the end of the tunnel......just in time for hunting season too! Thanks for the update.
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Good to hear from you man. We're thinking about ya. keep your head on a swivel and we are all anxious to get ya back stateside.
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Good to know things are well with you, thanks for your support and be safe. :thumb