Just checkin' in
2/2/05 7:32am
Hey guys and gals, got access to a computer and thought I'd stop in and give a quick hello from this sand box in the middle east! Sure do miss the huntin, as I am sure y'all can imagine but we're doin a little huntin' of our own over here (Can you imagine the mounts on my wall?!?!...LOL). Sure miss the interaction in this forum too!
Don't got a lot of time here but keep the camp fire warm for me....I'll be comin' home in a year! Take it easy my friends.......AGCHAWK
Don't got a lot of time here but keep the camp fire warm for me....I'll be comin' home in a year! Take it easy my friends.......AGCHAWK
Nice to hear from you, bud. :thumb Can you hurry up and get your six back home so you can help liven this place up? It's starting to get that "slow off-season tone" around here. :) Be safe on your "huntin" trip over there and check in with us.
Man I'm glad to hear your still alive and hopefully well. :)
Glad you had a chance to check in. I'm sure you have some great stories to tell.
Thanks for helping keep us all and safe protected here so that we can continue to enjoy our freedom.
God Bless and come home soon.
Glad to hear you are doin well and hangin in there as well. You all are doin a GREAT JOB!!!!!!! Keep up the good work and keep your head down low. God Bless all of you over there keepin us over here safe and alive. Take care and have a safe ride home.
Thanks for keeping us updated! I actually have pretty much fallen off the face of the earth myself, pretty busy at work these days and it is only going to get alot worse before it gets better. Keep yourself safe and check in if you get a chance again.
It is getting that "off-season" lag around here, but I like the trail cam section addition. Those are always fun pics. It's like Christmas each time you set up your camera! Who knows what your going to get.
Keep safe.