Just curious

anyone know why archery deer and archery elk in Utah start the same time this year? Seems like a lot of fellas would be livid over this, I am just curious.
From what I have heard, they extended the rifle spike only hunts and needed the extra week, so they moved the archery elk up a week. I would also like to know more, and if we (archery) will get the late hunt back. :-k
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I would also like to know more about this.. Either way i am not a fan of it I hunt both deer and elk with my bow so starting the same day normally wouldnt bother me but its just a bad year for it to start for me. I drew my Limited entry archery deer tag and my little brother drew his limited entry archery elk tag and we both want to hunt the openers and we wanted to hunt together but what do you do I know where i will be so it will be up to him.. LOL
The Ox
heck i like it where i hunt elk by the time the hunt starts they are usaully scattered and impossible to hunt due to people hunting deer now i may have a chance at a general elk . i occasionly hunt deer in the same area too so it works great for me.