Just FYI
3/8/09 8:55pm
I deleted a few posts in the shed forum. Looks like BigBoneZ was trying to stir the pot a bit. Nothing TOO BAD but it was starting to head into a direction that we don't need here.
My friend,
I welcome you to our site and hope you hang out a while, contribute to the discussions, and have a great time.
However, we do not allow folks to post derogatory comments to others. I am pretty sure that you are aware of what I am referring to but I will spell it out anyway. If folks enjoy hitting the hills and picking up sheds, whether they be old sheds or new ones, then that is their prerogative. Leave it alone, let them enjoy their finds, and go about your business. If you do not pick up older sheds then that is great...you do not need to put others down that enjoy bringing them home.
Again, please enjoy the site...and allow others to enjoy it also without having to have others put down their efforts.
MuleyMadness Moderator