Just got back from CO High Country (pics.)......

Hey all, just got back from a scouting trip in south-central CO. We are hoping to draw a muzzleloader deer tag in a few years, so we wanted to go up there and learn the country. It was an awesome trip! We saw bucks, bulls, moose, and sheep.....quality animals too. We saw 5 'shooters' on the trip and a couple BIG elk too. Saw 4 bucks that we thought would go 180+, with two of those probably being closer to 190". Saw a great looking young buck that had 17 points....tons of potential, hopefully he'll make it until we draw! [-o< Although he had lots of points, he would probably only go 160-165. Didn't get a pic of him though....forgot my camera that hike. ](*,) Never did get a pic of the good bulls either b/c they were too far away for my camera. I would say one of the good bulls was in the 300-315 range, and another was huge...I would guess 330-350 and had to be pushing 60" wide! I know without pics that doesn't mean much, but it was still cool to see.

The pics aren't the best quality, as I am limited to a film camera and a 300mm lens at this point. This trip made me realize that I really need to get a new spotting scope and an adapter for digiscoping. Getting a new camera in a couple months when the baby arrives, so that upgrade will be complete in a few months. Hope ya'll enjoy the pics!
More pics....
Saw a couple of these guys...
and last pic....this guy was HUUUGGGEE! I know the picture isn't very good, but we saw him about 20 feet off the road. Tried to turn around and get a pic, but just didn't have enough light to take a good enough pic....figured I'd post anyway. This buck is a monster!....and he was with another buck that I didn't see until after I was trying to take the pictures. I think both bucks would go upper 180's. The buck not in the pic had the biggest fronts I've seen on a buck....I would say 13"...I know, I know, without pics, it doesn't mean much! :) Hope ya'll enjoy!
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Loved the pictures, thanks a lot for sharing
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love the pics. looks like a good spot :)
Nice, thanks for the post... That's beautiful country there!
Pretty country, awesome pics. good luck when you get to hunt it.
Great pics! Thanks a bunch for taking the time to share them with us.
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Man what beautiful scenery. Thanks for posting the pics.
Makes me long for the high wild places.
Awesome adventure.......with a real variety of nice animals........thanks for sharing!
Absolutley amazing pics!!! I can't wait to see the pics you take with your upgraded camera. Looks like you have found a sweet spot for sure. Good luck on your draw and good luck this fall with the hunts you will be able to make :thumb
Those pics turned out great. Looks like you had a good trip.
With a post like that I'd say you have a fitting online name. Super cool. I love to get up above the timber line like that. I went out last saturday on a hike above the timber line, and plan to post up some good pic before too long. Thanks for sharing, nad event hough the last pic isn't great, you can tell that it's a good buck.
Great stuff, thanks for taking us along for the ride. :thumb
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Great shots and good luck on your draw, them Rams look very healthy as well awsome variety thanks for sharing!
That's some nice country you got into. Good critters too. Hope you draw soon and get a chance to go after the big guys.
Great pics :thumb , sounds like a fun trip. The lake looked familiar,but then again maybe not. Some nice bucks there for sure.
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awesome pictures, i wish that was my units. good luck hunting
one hunting fool
Great story and pictures "182" now many people take the time to prescout the way you do. it shows the caliber and dedication of a true hunting spirit. hope you draw soon
really beautiful pics---makes me wish I were there--nothing like that high country!!
great pictures and post. What a view.