Just got back from CO High Country (pics.)......
9/14/09 7:58pm
Hey all, just got back from a scouting trip in south-central CO. We are hoping to draw a muzzleloader deer tag in a few years, so we wanted to go up there and learn the country. It was an awesome trip! We saw bucks, bulls, moose, and sheep.....quality animals too. We saw 5 'shooters' on the trip and a couple BIG elk too. Saw 4 bucks that we thought would go 180+, with two of those probably being closer to 190". Saw a great looking young buck that had 17 points....tons of potential, hopefully he'll make it until we draw! [-o< Although he had lots of points, he would probably only go 160-165. Didn't get a pic of him though....forgot my camera that hike. ](*,) Never did get a pic of the good bulls either b/c they were too far away for my camera. I would say one of the good bulls was in the 300-315 range, and another was huge...I would guess 330-350 and had to be pushing 60" wide! I know without pics that doesn't mean much, but it was still cool to see.
The pics aren't the best quality, as I am limited to a film camera and a 300mm lens at this point. This trip made me realize that I really need to get a new spotting scope and an adapter for digiscoping. Getting a new camera in a couple months when the baby arrives, so that upgrade will be complete in a few months. Hope ya'll enjoy the pics!
The pics aren't the best quality, as I am limited to a film camera and a 300mm lens at this point. This trip made me realize that I really need to get a new spotting scope and an adapter for digiscoping. Getting a new camera in a couple months when the baby arrives, so that upgrade will be complete in a few months. Hope ya'll enjoy the pics!
Makes me long for the high wild places.