Just starting! Need Advice!!

I have been a hunter my whole life and have never really paid a lot of attention to sheds. I think because I never had time to search. We have recently moved back to Nebraska and I have a ton of country to hunt. We are in the southwest corner of the state and there is actually a ton of canyon country next to corn and wheat fields. I now have time and the country to look for sheds, but don't know where to look. Is there certain areas that are more likely to be then others? Probably sounds like a stupid question, but other than just randomly finding a shed I would'nt know if there a better spots to look than others.

Thanks for any help
Ive never been to Nebraska, im sure Utah is a little different but my best advice would be to watch their movement all winter, track their game trails, feeding and bedding grounds.
I spend the majority of my time in the truck with the spotting scope watching where they travel. So later I can backtrack and hopefully find them. Try not to push them out of the area when they start to drop.
It all depends on the weather, country, and alot of time hiking..
Best of luck..
No idea either, but find where the deer are during winter months and you should find sheds also. As long as they aren't leaving the area before dropping.

Best method is get a good pair of boots and wear out the rubber. :)

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