just trying to post a pic
9/2/07 10:44pm

http://www1.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=170539197/PictureID=3739459544/a=104796181_104796181/t_=104796181 " alt="" />
try attaching your photo directly from you computer to the site using the add attachment option at the bottom of the page when you are making a post. As long as you are within the size limits it will work everytime and it will look like this.
Thanks. I'm working on trying to compress them (the pics) they are to large a file.
and I'm not exactly computer savy.
and great pic
follow this link and there is a program called imageresizer it is very easy and i feel self explanitory to use, but basicaly download it and then when you want to resize your pics just simply right click on them and choose resize pics in the menu, the chose the size you want and walla you are done. If you have any more questions just pm me and Ill see what I can do.