Kaibab 12a

Hello, I am new to this site. It looks preety good so far.
This post is in reference to unit 12a in Arizona.(Kaibab)
I am putting in for a hunt there (2007). was wonder If anyone here has been lucky enough to draw this hunt? If so what should I expect?
Thanks , Brian :222
cant help ya but i just wanted to welcome ya
can't help ya with your question, but welcome to the site.
bowfisher78, WELCOME!!!

Just like the other two posts thus far, I can't help ya much. Never hunted the Kaibab before.

However, there are folks here that have and I'm sure someone will be able to help ya out.
Well you've come to the right place then. Our very own MuleyMadness himself went out and put up for sale, especially for you, a book called "Hunting Monster Mule Deer in Arizonas Kiabab Region" and along with this you can also purchase an Instructional DVD by Duwayne Adams himself (Owner/Operater/Full time licensed guide of Arizona Big Game Hunting specializing in Arizona's Kiabab region for big Muleys')called "Hunting Monster Mule Deer in the Kiabab... These yours today for the amazing price of only $40.00!!!!

Punch in your credit card numbers now and your promised a chance at buying one or more of each. Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity!!!
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I haven't hunted the Kaibab on 12A I hunted 12B in 2005. While I was hunting that a couple of guys I know had 12A tags they shot a 28" 4point and a 22"3point. It wasn't a very good year(warm and dry) I go out there quite often in the summer and have seen some great bucks. Don't expect to draw out for a couple of years though.

Which tag are you putting in for? 12A West or East, Late or Early. I think there is a better chance of killing a big one on the East side because of less pressure, but I am not sure.
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I haven't personally hunted it with a rifle. But its a darn good place to hunt if you get a tag... Pretty popular with archery hunters too ( OTC) .... It's by no means what it used to be, but they don't write books about it for nothing...... and JBird's right, I wouldn't expect a tag too soon, but its a darn good one when ya get it...
im putting in for 12a-w, but i hadent really thought about the hunting pressure.12b might not be a bad choice. If by the grace of god i ever get drawn
12 a east not 12b
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Like I said I really have no idea about 12A Eest. except that most of the bigger bucks come out of House Rock Valley area, during the late hunt. The early hunts I would imagine would be about the same because the deer are still on top. A good idea might be to hunt archery because you can hunt all of 12A and check out both areas, then decide.
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I tried to draw a late season tag and after a few years of rejection I tried for the early hunt and drew it first try. Conditions were great, lots of deep snow. Opening morning I passed on a heavy mature buck because I couldn't see his rack, it was hidden in branches, but I could see that the bases were heavy. After that the bucks got smaller and smaller. Lots of hunters, gut piles, deer hanging in camps around every corner, ravens everywhere. I saw lots of tagged deer but only 2 were really big. Most bucks taken in the early hunt are small but you could get lucky.
Bowfisher78 & Taxidermista,

::wel to Muleymadness! :)
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Born and raised in AZ. Have hunted unit 12A west numerous times. Both the late and early hunt. The past several years have been dry and warmer. Anyway I like hunting the big saddle and white pocket area as well as jump up point. Have taken a few nice bucks here and have been in on a few kills of nice bucks. The area has been very very hard to draw for and probably won't get any better with the tags going down ( number they issue) I still put in 12A west as my first choice then a whitetail hunt for my second. Have been doing this for the last 7 years and have been taking lots of nice whitetail! Myself and friends have been been drawn for rifle hunts there for 10 years so we hit the area for archery. Good luck in your draw for a tag.

Welcome to the MADNESS, and thanks for the info.

Lets see some of your pictures!
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Here is the Coues deer I shot this year. He has nice witdth but due to the dry conditions his tines are a bit short.
Nice one! Thanks for posting up the picture!
Aztalldrink, Nice Coues! =D> Welcome to Muleymadness!