Kansas Tag Results Are out.

After watching my apps for Ut, Az, Co, all come back saying try again next year and here is a point, i finally had one come back and say here is your tag. So I guess I will be in the land of oz with Dorothy and Toto this fall. I hope one of the big Ks bruisers takes a truck ride home with me.
Since Kansas did away with land owner tags last year they opened up more tags to non residents this year.

From what I was told by KDWP is that they somewhat opened the flood gates this year and will use the demand of Non residents applying for tags this year to help in determine the tag quota for the future.

Of course this will only assist with them setting Non resident quotas.

Since Kansas is 97% Private land the amount of Hunter walk in ground in the program will be a major factor in how many Non residents apply because you need a place to hunt and not every one is willing to pay to play
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Hey 6x6, where to you plan on hunting?
6x6 bull
My tag is for unit 14 archery. I hunted last year with an outfitter friend on his lease in Osage county. Thought I would try a DIY hunt this year on some of the public land. I also put in for one of the special hunts, but I don't hold out much hope in getting drawn for that.
Wahoo, I drew my KS buck tag. I'm looking forward to some more of that Kansas whitetail meat, great stuff.
Hiker, Good luck I hope you get some horns this year.
"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:Hiker, Good luck I hope you get some horns this year.
Me too..... :thumb Thanks for the good wishes.
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I"ll tie one to a tree this year Jeff. haha. Chris
"cjohnson3006" wrote:I"ll tie one to a tree this year Jeff. haha. Chris
I might need you to do that..... :thumb
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I do hope the buck we saw our first night last year is still around. He will definitly be a shooter this year. Too bad we couldn't get close enough to get a good look at him. CJ
6x6 Bull I sent you a PM
Hiker, congrats on that tag! Sounds like something a guy could get excited about. :thumb