Keep your eyes open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey all just thought I would share what happened to us yesterday. We were up Indianola, UT bow hunting. We left our trucks down in the bottom by Panorama woods at the mouth and went out for the day to come back to my friends truck both side windows broken out and his bow, Cd's, range finder and the chip on the dash ripped off. My truck was not even messed with even though one door was left unlock and was parked right in the middle of both of them. Parked next to me was another friend of my that came up later and they had a whole bow case taken out of theirs. So if any of you see some one with these things in the recent or future please contact me. It was his brand new bow and he bought it to get his antelope which he did opening morning.

Just cant believe people out there can do this let alone in the broad day lite next to a main road and during hunting season. THEY HAVE SOME BIG BA**S, in my mine so any way any help if you hear would be great full. Thanks, Wes
Springville Shooter
Sorry to hear about this. I have had my vehicle messed with at a trailhead and it is a terrible feeling. ------------------------SS
WOW. Very disturbing.
Sorry to hear that, it is a very nasty feeling of violation! I think the lesson to be learned is that nothing should be left in plain sight from outside of the vehicle; I had learn the hard way myself.
"Huge29" wrote:Sorry to hear that, it is a very nasty feeling of violation! I think the lesson to be learned is that nothing should be left in plain sight from outside of the vehicle; I had learn the hard way myself.
Definately sorry to hear that! Been there myself. It is a sad state of affairs for sure! :>/ Agree a hundred percent there Huge!
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Ya my stuff was stolen that night also. the bad thing is I only got about 500 dollars worth of stuff stole and I have a 500 dollar deductable on my home owners poicy. Mind you that your auto will not pay for anything that is not attached to your car ie stereo speakers things of that nature. I am shit out of luck still have to pay to replace all my gear "rain gear Bow case camo gloves, mask arrows dozen and a half to be exact broad heads. ](*,) :>/ I HATE DIRT BAGS
dang sorry to hear that! what a dirtbag! what would happen if whoever owned the vehicle walked out while it was going on? lots of guys pack pistols when there out. good way for someone to get hurt. yea they got b@lls, but they sure cant have any brains.
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Makes me want 2 hunt them. you know set out the bait "Truck" set in the trees and when the come to take the bait arrow right in the well you get the picture. if any one hears anything please let us know.
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Sorry to hear that, i don't know what is up with people these days. on one of the other sites i visit, a lady set up her Elk camp last week, to get ready for the season and went back yesterday and someone stole her whole camp. that was in western MT.

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Sounds like it would be a good placer to put your IR trail cam and get some pix for the sheriff to use when he gets these POS to court.
I "want" to believe that the scum of the earth that did this are not hunters but worthless pieces of crap that know that hunting season has started and are going out to see what they can find.

I haven't had the misfortune of something like this happening to me but I know I would be on the lookout to find the SOB's involved. I'd like to think that if I did find them I would call in law enforcement.

Like I said, I would like to think I would call in the LEO's. More than likely, I would take care of the situation myself.
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Couple a nice base camps vanished last year in so CO. I took my camper for base camp had plenty of room and offerd 3 guys a place to stay. They said they were gonna get outa there while they still had a truck. It's a real shame you gotta leave a guard in camp.