Kids first deer

These aren't big deer like most want to see but this was by far the best hunt I've been on ... My kids drew there first tags this year for muzzleloader abajo peak one is 12 other is 14 so we made the drive on Monday figuring we could scout for a couple days before the hunt started . We scouted hard for two days only seeing does and some 300+ bulls everyday . Finally Wednesday opening morning comes and we head out on the wheeler to get into a spot we hope will have some moving.. As soon as the sun starts coming up we see 3 bucks crossing 40 yards in front of us.. One spike one 2 point and a small 4x4 my youngest gets ready to shoot and has a misfire his primer didn't go off and the bucks spooked. So we sit for another 45 mins or so and only see does. We decide to walk back to the wheeler and try another spot only to find 2 big bulls feeding and bugeling and a couple cows walking around.. We head back to camp to grab a bite and wait for the evening hunt on are drive there we spot a spike and my youngest decides he wants to see if he can get close enough for a shot and he does and takes his shot but missed. That evening We go back to where we seen the 3 bucks and sit a couple hours pass and only seeing turkey's and a couple cows.. We decide to head over a little ridge and watch a side hill and finally see a big buck 4x4 guessing around 24" wide but tall.. We start the stalk to get closer and I knew after about 2 minutes of walking are stalk was blown trying to stalk a buck with 2 kids isn't easy lol.. We never see him again. Second day rolls around and we go back to glossing the ridge we seen the big buck with no luck so we decide to hunt down from there and we start seeing deer move and another spike pops out but no shot.. After about a hour of sitting it' was time to move again so we headed out. On are way out we spot 3 bucks bedded down and we all decide on a buck to take if the shot presents itself all 3 deer get up and start to walk and they finally stop and turn broadside both boys take there shots and miss by now I'm thinking there must be a problem with there scopes maybe from the ride there or something but luckily to my surprise one of the bucks is still there and my kids are begging me to take him so I let a shot out and connect... We get over to him and get him all dressed out and start the pack out when we see one of the small spikes that was with him my oldest passes on him and let's my 12 year old shoot and he finally connects on a 110 yard shot so now we have two deer to pack out with me and two kids.. We get back to camp and get the meat on ice and hit are beds.. Next morning we wake up not seeing much of anything and it continues like that most of the day so we head back to camp to eat some food and wait for the evening hunt.. Shortly after we arrived at calm 2 dwr officers pulled in and asked how hunting was and checked are tagged deer and measured my youngest spike to make sure he was legal and asked if we had anymore tags we said yes one and we wanted to get it filled before the storm comes so he pointed us to a spot he said the deer like to cross for water so we went and sat there and 10 minutes after being there a few does and a spike walk in and my oldest decides he will take it and he shoots and connects we seen the deer was hit but he still took off we gave him about 40 minutes and decided to go try and find him with no luck we found lots of blood but no deer and it was dark so we pulled out until morning we picked up where we left off and about 10 yards away there he was... Next year I will make sure my kids are ready to hike more and we will get some big boys.. This area was great in my opinion
Very nice. :thumb
Looks like a fantastic hunt to me. Congrats to your boys!
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Heck yeah! That's awesome. Time spent with the kids and family is the best trophy in my opinion.
Good for him.......congrats to the young man!
Well done, bet they had a blast.