Killin Jugs
Springville Shooter
4/17/10 8:26pm
We haven't even got the tags in the mail yet and all my daughter wants to do is shoot shoot shoot. Milk jugs within 200 yds of her are in big trouble and she's improving her offhand shooting every time we go out. Her rifle is a Remington 788 .308 with the barrell shortened to 18" and a gentry brake. The stock is also shortened for her with a kickeez pad. She shoots 125 Nosler ballistic tips loaded light. She's been shooting this rig for about 2 years, but this year we hope to get her shooting at a Utah mulie! Fun stuff!---------shooter
Nice rig too. God bless.
I would sure love to see a pic posted of your duaghter with her first buck come this fall. May it happen to you. As for the anti hunting sentiment, my daughter drew a birthday card for my brother that hunt's coyotes. She had a coyote in a chair reading a newpaper. Another coyote walks in looks at the mount on the wall and says nice human, where'd you take him? the human head mount was her best attempt to draw my brothers head. It was good for a laugh, but concerning at the same time. She has a hard time drawing the distinction between domestic dogs, which she loves, and the vermin that coyotes are. Oh well my boys are on the right path. Three years to go til my oldest son will be in the draws for tags.