Killing Range
6/25/10 9:23pm
I bought a new inline and scoped it with a nikon bdc 9X40. I've been working with it for about three weeks now. I can lap a three shot group at 100yds, Keep em inside a 5" circle out to 300yds. According to powerbelt ballestic charts the 338grn bullet I'm using is hitting at 1236ft# at 250 yrds. Do youguys with muzzy experiance think that thatload would with proper shot placement will take down an elk at 300yrds. I do not want to wound an animal. The bullet drops 4 1/2" between 250 and 300yrds consestantly.A piece of paper or a milk jug is one thing but an elk is a differant animal. What to you guys think? Will the load do the job?

6/28/10 6:37pm
Wow!! 300 hundred yards with a muzzle loader? You must be an awsome shot :not-worthy What type of muzzleloader do You have? Sorry i dont have any advice for you i just started muzzleloading myself.

6/28/10 7:30pm
It is a Pursuit XLT 28in barrel 1 in 28 twist .Flutted barrel with muzzle break. I put it in a lead sled so all I did was put the crosshairs in the right place squeze the trigger, clean it, shoot the barrel with a temp gun until it cooled to the same temp and repeat.It's the scope and rifle that suprized the ------- out of me. Hunting a total different thing. I did spend all day sunday at a private shooting club where they broke out all kinds of strange and wonderful things. Chrono something or others and calculaters and even offerd up some ballistic jello if I wanted to pay for it, which I did not. Anyway after an hour or so about six guys decided that 200yds and not much beyond was ethecal and would do a fine job on an elk if I could replicate my markmanship under hunting conditions.If not they suggested I rent a mule to carry a shooting bench and lead sled up into the mountians.