Knife Blades?
2/1/10 5:28am
Alright guys I have some questions for you. What type of blade type/Configuration do you prefer and what metal type. High Carbon Steel or Stainless steel? I am trying to get a better idea of demand since I have started building some of my own.
the trick is to find an in between that suits each person.
maybe someone with ALOT more info will chim in with better info, instead of going off an old memory ](*,) lol
For a knife I look for hardness, between 57-60 with 59 being ideal, The knifes that I have, that perform the best for me have been tested and are 58’s and 59’s, they hold a edge, I can sharpen them without to much trouble and retain a bit of flex.
Only my 2 cents
M. Bird