Knight Rifles to Shut Down

Just got this news release.

Never like to see a company like this go down, wish them the best.
That is too bad, sucks actualy.

My question is so if the new rifles were the downfall, why don't they quite making them and go back to the disc and disc extreme rifles. I have a disc and love it. If that is the gun that made them popular, then why mess with what works?
thats the problem, what was popular back then is no longer popular today. No one wants a bolt action thats hard to clean and will ruin the finish on your scope. And dont forget those plastic thingys you had to buy and load in order for the rifle to fire.
I've got a pre-Disc Knight and love it. Guess I just might have to hold on to it for a long while now.
I hate to see it as well. I was a little confused on the amount of new products they produced. Engineering and tooling cost for start up is so expensive and then you have to market the product. There is such great pressure to keep up with the competition with your product line and not go stale in the market....but there is a big price to pay to stay in the game. One hick up in the market can certainly derail you.

I would not want to take on the TC giant.
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This is sad a true sign of the times. My father talked to knight and they will continue to make replacement parts for a couple of years as they are legally obligated to do so.
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I think I'll head to Cabela's and buy a BUNCH of those orange things. If they quit making those, I'll have two rifles for sale real cheap! Too bad they went broke.
what a shame I,ve had 4 or 5 Knight rifles over the last 20 years starting with the old mk85
everything changes.
This is bad news. I bought a Disc the first year they came out and it has been a tack driver and extremely reliable. They need to reorganize and keep it afloat.
Too bad for this company. I've never had a chance to shoot one of these guns but hate to see Companies like this go down, this ugly economy is killing a lot of good businesses...
wasnt the economy. It was their rifle designs that put them under. + the silly red/orange primer holder crap. They just couldnt keep up.
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maybe obama will give them a bailout too.... well than again maybe not.. #-o