Labor Day Weekend Fun!

Well had some fun over the weekend, was only able to hunt Monday morning but had a great time even though I didn't kill. Came pretty close and thought I had a good chance, it's okay I learn something new about archery hunting every time out.

Talked 2 of my brothers into going with me and filming, thanks BRO's!!

Here are some photos from the fun...

Never saw this deer until brother showed me on video later, was sneaking on deer up the draw out of screen.
After he bounded away - Blown stalk (4x5)
Bedded down
Bedded down and has me pegged - BUSTED!!
See me and the deer?
Up close on me.
Group after blown stalk #1
Me and deer shot also
Brett, that is a cool sequence of photos. Man were you packing your camera and the big new lense, pluse your bow? Thanks for sharing.
Looks like you had a great time regardless, my friend! Thanks for the update and the great photos. Hope you end the next sequence of photos with a kill this year! Good luck
very cool pics!so did you take them or your brothers? hope you can conect next time out!!
Thanks guys!

My brothers took these, actually pulled from video. I only pack range finder, bow, and bino's.
Heads or Tails
Looks like a great time Brett.
Are you kidding me Brett.......that's awesome man. You're doing it right's going to happen soon for you I'm sure. Thanks for the photos.
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That sounds and looks like a lot of fun. Do you do a lot of stalking during the middle of the day?
Do you do a lot of stalking during the middle of the day?
Nope not really, unless you can watch them bed down.

This last stalk was about 11:30 AM, I chased them all morning and finally watched them bed down to make this stalk.
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keep doin what you are doin.. you will get one!!
Great photos, looks like you're having fun. =D>
great photo's looks like a good time
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Thanks for taking the time to take and post those pictures. Awsome. Hey man ANY of those bucks would be a nice bow kill. That looks like a really great area as well.

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Lets see the video. 10sign:
Nice Job! I wish that I could've had that many opportunities like that. Arizona West (Open Area) is hard hunting. Not many Deer at all. I ended up getting the only Deer I stalked. He is a "Dink" but was hard earned with all the glassing and still hunting that I did.

I need to get a good Camera like you have. I could have taken tons of pictures of big bulls. I probably seen 50 to 60 of them and 12 of them within 30 yards and less. One was a cool freak. What kind of camera do you use? What kind of lense?
These pics are pulled from a Canon GL1 with a 2x doubler attached.

Appreciate the kind words and for reminding me of how lucky I am. :thumb
"MuleyMadness" wrote:These pics are pulled from a Canon GL1 with a 2x doubler attached.

Appreciate the kind words and for reminding me of how lucky I am. :thumb
Yes you are lucky. I grew up in St. George and I've always had an abundance of game to chase. I'm moving back next year, probably to Enterprise. Going to go help my Dad on his hunt this year. He drew a southern tag and we always do well. I hope to have a lot of pictures to share later. I'm hooked on that Archery stuff now. I'm going to buy that Arizona tag again in January to hunt the rut.
Sounds like a good time....thanks for the pics!